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However I do laugh when I hear people in England (say, London) that driving several hours (say, to Manchester) is too far. In the US, driving a couple hours for gaming is the norm. Biggest example is when I listen to podcasts like Malifools (RIP), Fool's Daily, etc, and they complain about a three hour drive. Laughable.


To be fair our country can fit into each of your states about 5 times each. It's all subjective at the end of the day. For us Islanders it seems like a long time but when you have the better part of an entire continent as your country things look a little different. ;)

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Whooooooo!! Wait... separate beds, right?


Also, what is there to do in Finland? Besides Northern women. And drinking drinks I cannot pronounce. Is there meat?


Ummm, Not much to do. There is meat. I'm a fan of reindeer, which I would call a delicacy (shared w/ Norway and Sweden).


To be fair our country can fit into each of your states about 5 times each. It's all subjective at the end of the day. For us Islanders it seems like a long time but when you have the better part of an entire continent as your country things look a little different. ;)


Oh, no doubt. It's all subjective. That's what I was getting at.

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When you consider just getting to where you are is $700, can you really blame me?


Also, "hostel" stays are too much like "homeless" for me. Spoiled American Syndrome - I require my own room, that locks, and for someone to clean my filth when I leave. Also, waffles for breakfast, sausage preferred over bacon.


Man, you are demanding for someone going to crash on a couch.


PS - the Brits do bacon wrong. 

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When you consider just getting to where you are is $700, can you really blame me?


Also, "hostel" stays are too much like "homeless" for me. Spoiled American Syndrome - I require my own room, that locks, and for someone to clean my filth when I leave. Also, waffles for breakfast, sausage preferred over bacon.


A friend of mine considered going to GenCon last year. The flights alone were going to cost him £800 (roughly $1200) so I know where you are coming from. 


There will be sausage. 




Couldn't resist!

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I have been offered cocaine by a bar owner off the end off a pocket knife while discussing running a club night at the bar. I politely declined the offer, not because it was cocaine, but because he was a Frenchman. What does that say? ;)


It says you have sense! Never accept a freebee from a surrender monkey :D

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I have been offered cocaine by a bar owner off the end off a pocket knife while discussing running a club night at the bar. I politely declined the offer, not because it was cocaine, but because he was a Frenchman. What does that say? ;)


I.... I don't know.



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