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Lawyers, or vulgar Cosby memes?


Also, why is everyone afraid of lawyers? Better on your side than against it...


Cosby Memes... I mean damn! 


Also Lawyers, I'm not afraid of them, it's their bill that scares the shit out of me! In Britain they can charge you if they call or e-mail you. It's fucking ridiculous! 

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Lawyers, or vulgar Cosby memes?


Also, why is everyone afraid of lawyers? Better on your side than against it...


To answer the first question: yes.


I dunno, I've noticed that my profession has a higher-than-average percentage of d-bags. That said, I'm a public defender, which is probably the only public sector job worse off than teachers.

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Also Lawyers, I'm not afraid of them, it's their bill that scares the shit out of me! In Britain they can charge you if they call or e-mail you. It's fucking ridiculous! 


Same here. Any time spent working for the client is billable. I worked at a firm in NYC a few years ago. Saw a partner walk into the bathroom, come out 20 minutes later and proudly exclaim "that dump just cost the client $450."


So, now that I think about it, I totally get the lawyer dislike :)

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