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Umm, on its face it is a cop drama. But it's so much more than a simplistic "cops are the good guys, drug dealers the bad guys." It shows how inner city life is to a very realistic degree. Some of the best characters (who am I kidding, the best ones) are all "bad guys." Drug dealers, crime lords, contract killers. It shows how the system works (or rather, doesn't). How the ignorance of the city officials at the top affects things throughout Baltimore. 


The show is really well done. One of my favorite scene is where two detectives have a full conversation using only the word "f**k" in varying tones/inflections.


We had briefly touched on how the American school system is set up to fail. One of the show's seasons highlights that fact to a painful degree with its accuracy.


Plus it has Idris Elba in possibly his best role ever (until he becomes the next James Bond).

Oh, and zFiend lies. There are boobs. Lots of boobs. Not Game of Thrones level, but plenty enough.
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I demand Spartacus level, or no deal...


Pretty sure Spartacus is all about the male anatomy. But hey, if you're into that, more power to you.


Pash is a she... and from NJ... our women are made of tougher stock


My bad, sorry Pash! Fixed the post.

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I love the new Daredevil series on Netflix, poor Kingpin, I think as the story developed he became one of my favorite characters. I wasn't watching the boobs ratio, but I suspect the actor playing Daredevil may have shaved his chest, not my style but still nice to look at  :)

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Speaking of GoT, have my own personal theory (I've read all the books). I'm convinced that no one is safe other than Arya, Jon Snow, Daenerys, and Tyrion. I wouldn't be surprised if one of Snow or Tyrion died by though.

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I'll have to check out Wired & Vikings. Just got caught up on Walking Dead finally. Game of Thrones is next for binge watching


GoT is a solid choice. The Wire is more character and story driven, but that isn't to say there isn't plenty of action either.

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I haven't read the books, but I do have the audiobooks. It took 5 weeks at work to do it. 


That said, don't you dare touch my Tyrion!! He is the only character I can relate to, because deformed pervert.


I would love to see Tyrion survive the series. But I can totally see GRRM killing him off. For some reason Arya and Daenerys seem untouchable to me. I also think Jon Snow is a dark horse candidate to become the winning king. Either that, or he becomes King Beyond The Wall.

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