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universal access to healthcare (granted, you pay out the nose w/ taxes) come to mind. 


To be fair, at least in Germany, corporations have to pay half of it. Also, I gladly pay taxes for accessable healthcare. (I gladly pay taxes for pretty much anything with the notable exception of paying of the depths of banks.)


It's less that teachers are awesome in Finland.


Addendum: It also helps that teachers are respected people in Finland. Not so in Germany. Oh no, I mean they only build our future. Now lawyers and economists, those are respected. Bleargh. (nothing against lawyers and economists in general, I just don't get the prestige!)


Yeah, our system lowers the minimum standard to make it look like more students graduate with a high school education, but really, they're just older dumb kids. No critical thinking skills at all. Might as well hand out diplomas to hamsters for all its worth these days.


He. In Germany, the corporations lobbied for quicker studies and shorter school time for years. Now, they whine about lack of independent thinking in young people. Assholes.

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Addendum: It also helps that teachers are respected people in Finland. Not so in Germany. Oh no, I mean they only build our future. Now lawyers and economists, those are respected. Bleargh. (nothing against lawyers and economists in general, I just don't get the prestige!)



This is a big deal. I can't speak for Germany but in the US teachers are praised to high heaven by politicians (because it looks good) but don't get any support. They get s**t pay for long hours and are mistreated by the very system that they work for, let alone by the students and their parents. 


Over the years teachers in the US have had to deal with more and more stupidity. The current system is set up in such a way that if a student fails the teacher gets in trouble. If enough students fail (not get a failing grade, but fail in general) the teacher can be fired. Add on top of that a system that basically turns schools into daycare. I know of schools who have advanced students to a higher grade purely because they didn't want to deal with that particular student anymore.

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I've been painting my Freikorps. I decided I wanted to do something different with them from what I've seen before and then it hit me. Freikorps with masks.. Borderlands Psychos.. Psychokorps! So I'm painting a bunch of psychos color schemed Freikorps' now. :D 

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My Teddy and my bases arrived today. I will now be able to make 6 Stuffed Piglets from my wooden barrels, 4 Claim Markers, 3 Flame bases for Sonnia (red transparent), 2 Wind Wall bases for The Captain (clear transparent), and then pass out after dinner. #Thursday


See, if you had a wife/husband/partner (not judging) you wouldn't be able to do all of that.


I WANT to paint when I get home, but I have a sneaking suspicion my wife will ask for something totally unreasonable like "Mik, fold the laundry" or "Mik, do the dishes." Then when everything gets done I'm too tired to lift a paintbrush. Though, ironically, not tired enough to lift the glass of scotch i'll have...

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I actually cocked the standing one's head to the side when I built him just because of that.


Great minds think alike! Not sure is that compliment to you though in this case.. :P 


the minis were here before you. You can bet your ass they will be here after you too...


Now this. This I like. :D 

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I think if i did have a wife or girlfriend, she would have to be either a nerd, or set straight from day one - the minis were here before you. You can bet your ass they will be here after you too...


My wife and I had that talk when our relationship started getting serious. She is an avid sewer and sews clothing/costumes for fun. I said something along the lines of "the minis were here first" as a joke, and as a reply she said (entirely seriously) "oh, it's ok, I had my sewing machines way before I met you."


TBF, she is also a giant nerd and I've managed to turn her into a really good Faux player. So that helped.

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Home-schooling has never looked so attractive as it does now. If I ever decided I wanted to reproduce. Which assumes I ever find a mate. *cries alone*


It's illegal in Germany, so that's right out. Good riddance, too, for ideological reasons.



My wife and I had that talk when our relationship started getting serious. She is an avid sewer and sews clothing/costumes for fun. I said something along the lines of "the minis were here first" as a joke, and as a reply she said (entirely seriously) "oh, it's ok, I had my sewing machines way before I met you."


Heh. My wife was my first Malifaux convert. We started together, back in 1st edition.

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These demands are way too much. I can do 50%. The other 50%. Well that's just absurd. 


I'm somewhat surprised that vikings bathe. Aside from the blood of their enemies.


Wait a minute.... blood of their enemies... dating...


Aaaargh, get the pictures out of my head!

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I was going to like this, but I too have reached my daily quota.





Not the most relevant gif, but I really wanted to throw something from The Wire into the mix.



On a scale of The Best to The Bestest, where does The Wire rate as a TV show for you guys?

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