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I'm married..I don't go to bars ;)


But I am not going to deny that chat up line was one of the cheesiest I have heard..and I think that is why it did work!


But hey, we were students at the time, in the uni bar and probably drunk.  So I guess it could have been all of those factors that did it.  But ultimately the result was positive!


And no, she wasn't a sheep.  But she didn't mind wearing the costume. ;)

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Crushy, that sounds like a terrible combination. I hope you get better soon.


Wow, I actually get some work done and when I come back the conversation has devolved into bestiality. Unsurprisingly zFiend is at the center of this debauchery. :D


You expected anything else?

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On a more "now that I am sitting at my desk and using company bandwidth" basis, I am hopped up on antibiotics, prescription nasal spray, and over the counter sinus pills. And coffee. 


My new plastic teddy and 4 sets of bases arrive today. That is all I have to report at this time. 


Also, finally caught up on Agents of SHIELD... so many hidden clues for Age of Ultron *squee*


Seems like a fun drug concoction.


I could never get into Agents of SHIELD. Tried watching AoS but it just started off sooooo slowly, then I gave up. But then, growing up, I didn't really get into either the DC or Marvel comic universes so I'm not that attached to it. 

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Everyone I know who stopped watching the show had the same opinion. The crazy thing is, when Winter Soldier came out in theaters, the show tied in the post-HYDRA aftermath as part of the plot - they're writing the seasons to coincide with the movies. The same thing with Peggy Carter too, I believe - her show is filling up all the backstory so they don't have to do constant flashbacks during the current shows. 


The show is definitely worth watching. 


Yeah I was the same, I started watching it right off the bat and to be honest it started pretty poorly but I persevered and it's actually become pretty good now. Worth a watch if you can get through the first half of season 1. 

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I'm like a shotgun. Predictable but cause a lot of mayhem.

Speaking of bestiality. Did you ever wonder how does a vampire have sex in all these shows nowadays without bloodstream and all since they're dead?


Well if you go by Twilight logic you walk around in the sunlight all sparkly attracting underage girls.... such total bullshit, that crap is a complete mockery of the Vampire lore.  

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