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Yeah, sorry if it did cut to the bone a bit Dirial, it wasn't meant as a dig in THAT sense.  It was more in the 'spirit' of your description. 


I really do need to be careful as although I have no problem with anyone doing the racial stereotypes against the welsh, I realise for some people it can be an issue.


I'm not saying its an issue for you Dirial either, but I don't want to be thought of as that guy!  My comments are almost always tongue in cheek, but probably skirt close to the wire at times.


I didn't take it personal. Really, I usually stay away from this kind of banter, as our nationalist history is a very difficult thing for us. (Seriously, it's a very deep thing. Every January 27., I watch a lot of documentations and cry. I do. But it's our job not to forget.)


But personally, I don't really feel offended when people joke about it. They either don't know any better, or they know it all too well and it's their way of coping. I also don't mind the nationalism and trying to conquer the world stuff as much. Terrible, but most nations did that once or twice. I mean, America threw atomic bombs around! Holy shit.


But yeah. That's it. Forgive the German that sometimes, he gets morose when the Holocaust gets mentioned or even implied. Don't take it personal as well, let him rant about it, move on.

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Going on with this whole theory-Faux thing, have something to ponder - is it possible to successfully play Ressers without summoning? 


As I've never played Ressers I have no idea. I'm genuinely curious.

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Going on with this whole theory-Faux thing, have something to ponder - is it possible to successfully play Ressers without summoning? 


As I've never played Ressers I have no idea. I'm genuinely curious.


Oh course, Yan Lo physically can't summon if none of his Ancestors die and the Toshiro summoning upgrade is entirely optional. Tara can't summon, while true that Karina can I've never used a RJ to summon a Death Marshall and again her upgrade is optional. Nico doesn't need to summon either, he can just play pure support all game long by healing, buffing etc. It's doable but generally you're cheating yourself out of the thing that makes the entire faction filthy. Well Seamus summons aren't filthy and Yan Lo's are irritating at best but the others are! 

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McMourning can win a game without a single summon. I've seen it done, because I did it. McM / Sebastian / Rafkin - expensive, but soooooo good.


But he has to really work for it, because those dogs just plop out of nowhere!

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McMourning can win a game without a single summon. I've seen it done, because I did it. McM / Sebastian / Rafkin - expensive, but soooooo good.


True, just because you are expunging stuff to death doesn't mean you HAVE to declare the Abra-Cadaver trigger for the Fleshie, It's just advisable. 

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I'm dredging this back up for a moment, because I feel like it.


- If you think American Football is easy or soft, let me be the first to assure you that it isn't. Between my torn back ligament and concussion (from one season plus pre-season training) and my father's spinal issues, I can guarantee it does tons of damage to the body to play it.


- I'm tired of having to defend where I was born. We're not all moronic, science-denying, Bible-thumping evangelicals. Our barbecue is better than yours. Black Southerners invented rock 'n' roll. A lot is wrong with this part of the country, but when we get something right, we nail it.


- TehMik nailed the topics of beer and international travel for us. I'd also add that Europeans seem to get a lot more time off than we do.



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- I'm tired of having to defend where I was born. We're not all moronic, science-denying, Bible-thumping evangelicals. Our barbecue is better than yours. Black Southerners invented rock 'n' roll. A lot is wrong with this part of the country, but when we get something right, we nail it.


- TehMik nailed the topics of beer and international travel for us. I'd also add that Europeans seem to get a lot more time off than we do.


Nobody is saying you are. It's just that a few morons ruin it for the ones that are alright.


Us europeans have better work conditions. 

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I agree dust there is a lot to like about america. It all comes down to stereotypes with every nation. Im betting the vast majority of any country dont match the stereotype

I guess the travel thing is different for europeans as it is relatively easy to hop on a plane and you can experience a whole different nation in less than four hours.

It would take four hours to cross the US?

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Never took one, but I reccomend that everyone visits Alaska before they die, however you get there.


There is an awesome prince william sound cruise that drives by the glaciers, then turns off the engines so you can listen to the ice groan.

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