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Well, we once discussed political discussions in here, and they were kind of banned...




a. Wow, to vote you have to register? It's a right here.


b. I don't get people who don't vote because they are dissapointed. Voting and nothing changes? Dissapointing. Not voting and nothing changes? To be expected.


Yeah, apparently so. Everybody has the right to vote but they were banging on about registering to vote a couple of days ago. I missed the deadline. I figured I could play games or register. Wasn't a hard choice! :D


I'm not voting because I just don't care one way or the other. It's like picking between AIDs or Cancer... Chances are both you will fuck you over. 

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I really hope I get in  a game this friday. I'm sufferint from withdrawal right now.


I should be getting a game in this Thursday and again Monday so once my Guild quota is done for this month I can get back to my beloved Outcasts for regular play and Lilith with my League Games for a while. I'm itching to build and play Leve.

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yeah you had to register to vote up to a couple of days ago....but everyone over 18 has the right to vote, except possibly convicted criminals?


I always vote as I feel as we have been given the opportunity unlike a lot of other countries, I want to make sure I use it.


I agree that each political party is a s bad as each other, and I will categorically NEVER vote for some.


But it has come down to a choice between two for me this time.....need to research which one will be better for me and the country!

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I always vote as I feel as we have been given the opportunity unlike a lot of other countries, I want to make sure I use it.




yeah you had to register to vote up to a couple of days ago....but everyone over 18 has the right to vote, except possibly convicted criminals?


You mean everyone has the right to register.


Here, everyone has the right to vote. You get a notification that you are on the list, and to please bring that notification, but if you don't, you can still vote if you have your papers.


You can also vote per mail if you register for it, so you don't have to leave the house.

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I guess it is effectively that but you still have the right to vote..its just that the government make it that bit more work involved, and the governments wonder why there is usually a poor turnout.


We can vote by mail etc here, but you still need to have registered. 


To be honest I think this country has just become apathetic towards the whole voting process which is a shame, mainly because its only ever Labour or the Conservatives who get into power and nothing really changes.

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Also, on a different note..I can't believe how the shikome nipple debate has exploded lol...I feel bad because I think I may have been the first one to mention the nipple guards.


But I was only curious as to who put them on, as I don't see hands on those shikome!!  I couldn't care less if the nipples were or weren't showing!

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Also, on a different note..I can't believe how the shikome nipple debate has exploded lol...I feel bad because I think I may have been the first one to mention the nipple guards.


But I was only curious as to who put them on, as I don't see hands on those shikome!!  I couldn't care less if the nipples were or weren't showing!


My first thoughts were "Dude, dem titties!" over all though the models look awesome. I always thought the British were considered more prudish than anyone else but apparently the yanks come out tops there! It's pretty pathetic to bitch and whine about a model having nipple armour or not. There really are more important things to worry about in the world, for example... WHEN AM I GOING TO GET MY DESOLATION ENGINE?!  :angry:

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My first thoughts were "Dude, dem titties!" over all though the models look awesome. I always thought the British were considered more prudish than anyone else but apparently the yanks come out tops there! It's pretty pathetic to bitch and whine about a model having nipple armour or not. There really are more important things to worry about in the world, for example... WHEN AM I GOING TO GET MY DESOLATION ENGINE?!  :angry:




Elementgames has stock due for the 30th. So maybe it's something?

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Elementgames has stock due for the 30th. So maybe it's something?


Yeah... it's definitely a case of Soon. I've been waiting since February if I recall. I had my LGS hold back Leve for me so I could buy the Deso Engine and him at the same time and the Deso Engine had been delayed so many times since it's first scheduled release the guys sold my Leve box! They were kind enough to order one in for me especially but still... It's starting to feel a little like last year where there were no releases for about 2 months. I'm told it's late April along with Nekima but I'm not holding my breath! :D

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Oh yeah, German beer is traditionally considered some of the best but that doesn't mean all German beer is awesome. I've had a couple of rather tasty stouts from America crop up in my local pubs from time to time. I think the joke generally applies to the mass produced mass marketed stuff like Budweiser etc. Which by the way hasn't got shit on it's original version from the Czech Republic BUDVAR! I swear some Americans picked that up one day and thought "Yeah, we'll fuck that too" :D

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3. As far as nudity is concerned, Americans are, again, stupid. I'm not even sure why. The general outlook is "you can do whatever you like with whoever or whatever you like at home, but don't bring it up in public." 


In Frankfurt, there's a (very) local celebrity called "Der nackte Jörg" (Naked Jörg). He's won the right to be naked at all times in court. It's an expression of his personality. He's always naked. Literally.


It was rather strange to meet him in a super market the first time, but one gets used to it.

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In Frankfurt, there's a (very) local celebrity called "Der nackte Jörg" (Naked Jörg). He's won the right to be naked at all times in court. It's an expression of his personality. He's always naked. Literally.


It was rather strange to meet him in a super market the first time, but one gets used to it.


You Europeans do tend to have a reputation for being incredibly free spirited in terms of nudity and all that. In Britain he'd be arrested on sight and never granted the freedom to walk in public nude all the time. Our courts just wouldn't allow it, they'd fine him and laugh him out the door. 

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