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Interesting. So in German the connotation is more light hearted? I've always thought it to mean that one enjoys the actual suffering of someone/thing.


Example of what I always thought it to be (I'm a fan of English soccer): John Terry breaks his knees. This makes me happy. 


That incorrect?


Not really, it's just that it's rather impolite to admit to schadenfreude in such a case, while schadenfreude in more light-hearted cases is pretty accepted. Also, it really isn't schadenfreude if you caused the suffering yourself.

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Not really, it's just that it's rather impolite to admit to schadenfreude in such a case, while schadenfreude in more light-hearted cases is pretty accepted. Also, it really isn't schadenfreude if you caused the suffering yourself.


Interesting. Did not realize the complexities and social nuances with the term.


Yeah, I did know that you couldn't cause the suffering. But still, did not know the rest. 

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Interesting. Did not realize the complexities and social nuances with the term.


Yeah, I did know that you couldn't cause the suffering. But still, did not know the rest. 


As always, the word slightly changes its meaning when ported to another language. The word Blitz means something totally different than what the British mean by it, for example. A friend of mine wrote a Master thesis about the word über as used by English speakers. Very interesting.

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Sadly, I never really played a pnp RPG, I would like to play once, though.


You're seriously missing out. Some of my fondest memories revolve around playing. I also have a shirt with GM fail quotes my players gave me for a birthday. Hilarious.


Player: "Have you seen Beorn?"

NPC: "The one who's called 'The Dazzler'?"

Player: "Yeah, that's the one!"

NPC: "I never heard of him."

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You're seriously missing out. Some of my fondest memories revolve around playing. I also have a shirt with GM fail quotes my players gave me for a birthday. Hilarious.


Player: "Have you seen Beorn?"

NPC: "The one who's called 'The Dazzler'?"

Player: "Yeah, that's the one!"

NPC: "I never heard of him."


Yeah, I know :(

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Morning. It seems I'm also on the way of becoming sick. Ffs. There goes gym for a few days.

Good news though. I picked up Von Schillinger from the post today. The first box. I have another box coming from which half will be shipped to Australia.

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Also I played my first Outcast Tara game yesterday. 10-10 against Collodi.

We had turf war, Breakthrough, deliver a message, distract and can't remember the last one. My opponent took deliver a message and distract, deliver announced, I took breakthrough and deliver both announced.

My list was awesome.

Tara with Obliteration symbiote, Knowledge of eternity and one more Tara upgrade.

Hannah, Superwanker, Nothing beast, Librarian and two wretches. I had a blast. :D

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Also I played my first Outcast Tara game yesterday. 10-10 against Collodi.

We had turf war, Breakthrough, deliver a message, distract and can't remember the last one. My opponent took deliver a message and distract, deliver announced, I took breakthrough and deliver both announced.

My list was awesome.

Tara with Obliteration symbiote, Knowledge of eternity and one more Tara upgrade.

Hannah, Superwanker, Nothing beast, Librarian and two wretches. I had a blast. :D


No Bishop?! FOR SHAME!!!!


Also... Morning all!

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Morning! How fairs Deutschland this morning?


Sunny. Great weather this week. Also, a lot of political unrest here. There's a rail strike, we argue about immigration, and economists foretell a decline of our country (which of course is just an excuse for lowering wages so the stupid economists and their employers can get even richer... Bleargh.)

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Sunny. Great weather this week. Also, a lot of political unrest here. There's a rail strike, we argue about immigration, and economists foretell a decline of our country (which of course is just an excuse for lowering wages so the stupid economists and their employers can get even richer... Bleargh.)


We've had some pretty stellar weather over here the last few days as well! 


We've got a general election coming up next month to decide on our new PM. To be honest I probably wont vote (Mainly because I forgot to register!) but mainly because I just don't care. The people I voted for last time just lied to get into power and they did less than half of what they promised. They are all a bunch of fucking idiots and I really couldn't care less who gets into office so long as they don't fuck it up any worse or lie more than the last lot. So long as they do one this right it'll be an improvement. 

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Well, we once discussed political discussions in here, and they were kind of banned...




a. Wow, to vote you have to register? It's a right here.


b. I don't get people who don't vote because they are dissapointed. Voting and nothing changes? Dissapointing. Not voting and nothing changes? To be expected.

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