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At the risk of being on-topic, I'm gonna disagree with the Guild being predictable or boring.


McCabe is just tons of fun, is fast, and can make almost any guild model work well. 


Lucius is good time too. Declare guild, then pull out Candy and a Doppelganger. 

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*slowly hides his alt Kaeris from Easter sale*


Shit, now that you mention it... Rasputina, Kaeris, and then Ironsides. I will not have a single male Arcanist master to my name. 

Well I have Rasputina and Mei feng at the mo, and want to get Colette, Kaeris and Ironsides...But I do have Ramos.  But he will have to put on a boob suit before he sees the table!  ;)

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Can't play Arcanists yet..Colette or Kaeris haven't been released.


It goes against my values to play a master that doesn't have boobs.




Oh they have! I own them both... in metal. In fact my Colette crew was recently acquired including Coryphee with interchangeable magnetized bases for the Duet and Singles. Was a bitch trying to find it all but I'm glad I did! :D

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I'm the dick who would just buy multiple copies because too lazy to learn new skills. 


I paid almost as much for the Coryphee as I did for every other Colette model currently in existence. Wasn't prepared to pay that again and spend weeks hunting them down. It was easy though, I just drilled and filled some holes in the bases and loaded them with magnets then glued a magnet to the bottom of each Coryphee. Done!


Just a quick note, if you decide to do this make sure you get the poles on the magnets the right way round before committing with super glue ;)

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Oh they have! I own them both... in metal. In fact my Colette crew was recently acquired including Coryphee with interchangeable magnetized bases for the Duet and Singles. Was a bitch trying to find it all but I'm glad I did! :D

Oh I know the metal stuff is out there, used to have both Colette and Kaeris in metal but got rid before plastics started coming out....Prefer plastic to work with so won't be having any metal in my collection!

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Already have one thankfully...


But am tempted to add some Skiitari and maybe a Knight to it!


Now we're discussing 40k?! We've entered depths that more terrifying than the inside of Z's underwear.



Edit: I mean Zoraida, but, well, you know...

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I quite like 40k, it can be played relatively quickly and you don't need to concentrate too hard!


If you already have an army, perhaps.


I just detest a game where I have to paint 100 models, just to take 25 off the board in turn 1. Bad design.

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I would only ever build and play again if it was 3rd Edition. 


3rd Ed was when I really got into it and it was so much fun, 4th went downhill, 5th was the beginning of who has the most disposable income wins (AKA Most tanks wins) and everything since has been pure shite which is unfortunately the way Fantasy is looking with 9th on the horizon and that steaming pile of arse known as  End Times.


For a pick up and play game its sometimes the only option around here if the Mali gang aren't around.


I had similar issues at my previous club. I was one of a handful of Malifaux players and slowly our numbers dwindled, some stopped going, others jumped onto the GW band wagon and eventually all that was being played was 40k and bloody Bolt Action. I went 6 weeks in a row and never saw a single game! In the end I got pissed off with the club and decided to jump ship to my current club which plays pretty much everything ever invented! It's great! 

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