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Aaaah, the day I finally off myself. *Google's suitable bridge to jump from*


Did you know that the a. most effective and b. least painful usual method of suicide is a bullet through the forehead?


Burning yourself alive has a pretty good a. but a terrible b., by the way.

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Did you say you was a psychiatric Dirial? Do you have many long time customers or are they more one time visits? :D


Well, I'm a psychologist. It's not that I help people, I know stuff about people. Like data about suicide methods.


I could also tell you that the effect that you don't know what people at the next table are talking about, but you suddenly notice when your name (or the word "boobs", I suppose, or "whip" in your case) is said, is called the "Cocktail Party Effect", named by Cherry, 1953.

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You know how in the fluff Molly keeps oozing and coughing up blood? Guess where the inspiration for that came from.


What's more disturbing? That mental image, or the fact that someone could take inspiration from zFiend?

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