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Tom, I agree on most of your general points and would argue some others, but I think we are too on-topic for this crowd.


This really should be how I play malifaux..


1. Deploy crew

2. Flip for initiative

3. Argue about the attractiveness of said crew

4. Win



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I just went to buy jeans. Holy shit it has gotten tough.

Can I help you?

Yeah I need new jeans.

What kind?

Uh.. Jeans?

Um.. Well do you like slim, skinny, regular or what kind?

No skinny shit.

Okay.. So we have some loose fits here.

Now that's the only kind. I want them.

What color?

What? I don't care really.

Okay.. So we have black and more regular color.

I'll take them both.

You want to try them on?

Nah. I'll take 'em in 34/36 cheers.

Fucking done. No need to buy jeans for the next couple of years. I hate clothes shopping. Utterly fucking hate it.

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Fucking done. No need to buy jeans for the next couple of years. I hate clothes shopping. Utterly fucking hate it.




I hate clothes shopping, too. I usually go with my wife, just because I need someone who looks at me funny when I attempt to leave early.

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I just have my wife buy my clothes. It actually works out. We each have a monthly budget (not large) that we can each devote to personal things. So for me, a lot of the time I buy Malifaux or Infinity stuff. She buys clothes. Not necessarily clothes for her. Sometimes they're for me. She just likes the act of shopping.


Basically, TL/DR, I win.

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I'm not sure. Getting a wife in the first place is hard work. Might as well reap the benefits.


After 8.5 years together with my partner I can attest to this! I had to slowly let it slip how much of a geek I really am! First I hid it all, then I let slip I'm into WoW, then Wargames, Sci-Fi and Fantasy stuff, Superheroes, PS3/4, Anime so on and so forth. Slowly but surely she came to accept most of it. Had I landed all of this one her right at the beginning I doubt we would have lasted this long. She's had to put up with her Dad being a rampant wargamer all her life and she's not particularly fond of most of it so marrying me was a pretty big commitment on her part! :D

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After 8.5 years together with my partner I can attest to this! I had to slowly let it slip how much of a geek I really am! First I hid it all, then I let slip I'm into WoW, then Wargames, Sci-Fi and Fantasy stuff, Superheroes, PS3/4, Anime so on and so forth. Slowly but surely she came to accept most of it. Had I landed all of this one her right at the beginning I doubt we would have lasted this long. She's had to put up with her Dad being a rampant wargamer all her life and she's not particularly fond of most of it so marrying me was a pretty big commitment on her part! :D


To add to my " I win" statement, my wife was a huge board gamer and WoW player before we met, though she had never played tabletop games. She now is an avid Malifaux fan and can consistently kick my butt at Android:Netrunner. 


I did have a couple exes in college who were not as forgiving. One even tried to make me her personal project and get me to "grow out of it." That was kind of amusing. Sad, but amusing.

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I did have a couple exes in college who were not as forgiving. One even tried to make me her personal project and get me to "grow out of it." That was kind of amusing. Sad, but amusing.


Been there mate! My usual response was "Don't try to change me woman!" which swiftly resulted in "I think we need to have a talk". I'm sure zFiend knows where I'm coming from on that one! :D



I'm sure this had nothing to do with it either...




Hahaha I'd like to think it was my boyish good looks and charm that sealed the deal but somehow I think the Mrs would dispute that! :D

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To add to my " I win" statement, my wife was a huge board gamer and WoW player before we met, though she had never played tabletop games. She now is an avid Malifaux fan and can consistently kick my butt at Android:Netrunner.


Mine was "Ugh, I hate Lord of the Rings. No, I haven't seen it, why?" type of person when I met her. Now, she plays Malifaux and Brimstone with me, forces me to choose computer games for her to play and is an overall nerd.


When the priest asked "What do you love most about him?", she said "That he opened my eyes."


So, nerdiness wins.

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When the priest asked "What do you love most about him?", she said "That he opened my eyes."



That is genuinely adorable. 


Now, enough of this sentimentality and let's get back to judging Crush.

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All of the attractive nerdy women I know are already married or in deeply committed relationships. Yes, I am that shallow. 


*sips coffee*


As said, take an attractive, non-nerdy woman an turn her.


No, zFiend, not in the Seamus way.


That is genuinely adorable. 


It was.

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You deserve it buddy! We should have a Crush-day as well. I vote yes on Crush-day. Trixiebelle images, 3-4somes, gym talk, yoga pant gifs. How does that sound? :D


Not quite as bad an idea as Fiend-day. Barely.

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