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Morning, gents.


So, how was your weekend? Any plans for today?




Great! I had a really lazy Saturday, I whored the crap out of my PS4 with some friends whilst the Mrs got pissed up with her girls and Sunday I spent chilling watching films and TV with the Mrs whilst nursing her hangover. A good weekend indeed! :D


As for today? Work and maybe club night tonight although I'm not feeling up to it tonight as it's RPG night but then again there is a new guy showing up I might be able to hench into Malifaux so... there's that! :D



I'm having a severe lack of Malifaux gaming these days. 



Tell me about it! Although I did pick up the Leve box this weekend so looking forward to getting that built and played with. He looks like so much fun! 

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Hahaha. I don't actually play Leveticus. :P too filthy for me, like Colette, Perdita etc.


It's kind of shocking to hear you calling something "Too filthy" 



Dreamer with Chompy focus is actually pretty cool. Tricky and fun to play. Perdita is beyond saving though. 

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Too be fair I don't think Colette herself is all that filthy, it's her potential to use and abuse filthy models that makes her a horrible Master to face. Joss, Langston, Mech Rider, Coryphee Duet etc + Prom[t = Filth. Colette on her own really isn't all that bad. 


I've read up on Dreamer's summoning and it does sound like a shitstorm of hurt! Ulix is pretty much the same. I've seen some battle reps where he just utterly destroys his opponents with ease. I don't fancy playing him anytime soon! Leve doesn't seem that bad on paper but having never played with or against him I suppose I'm missing something. 


I'll give you Perdita though... damn that gal can kick ass :D

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