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those bloody Jehovah's Witnesses that keep knocking on my door at 8am on a Saturday morning trying to convert me!!  :angry:


"Do you have time to speak about Jesus?"



Okay, I can see that.


Of course!! Every self respecting Sith has enemies. All those pesky Jedi worshipping A - Holes out there are the first to go when I get Force Lightning in my arsenal!


How would you recognize a Jedi? By the stupid happy-face they would wear from the hand-free wanking.

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Well there is the post wank grin that sets them apart but also the colour of their light saber is often a dead give away!


Just because some people have the Force doesn't mean that light sabers make an appearance.


I can throw in a philosophical question. If you do hands free wanking using the force on a dude, does it make you gay?


Only if you like it. (Ask yourself if girls going down o each other in porn are lesbians. I highly doubt it.)

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But... but.. Lightning!!


I don't want to be one of those pansy Jedi Mind Trick wusses, I'd prefer to Emperor Palpatine it up and fry some pesky Jedi, perhaps an Ewok or two. They look tasty! 


Why not take both? Mind Tricks and Lightning! No need for wussy lightsabers

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But... but.. Lightning!!


I don't want to be one of those pansy Jedi Mind Trick wusses, I'd prefer to Emperor Palpatine it up and fry some pesky Jedi, perhaps an Ewok or two. They look tasty! 


Next thing, you want to raise the dead and join the Ressers.

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Why not take both? Mind Tricks and Lightning! No need for wussy lightsabers




Next thing, you want to raise the dead and join the Ressers.


Well... I do own Nicodem. But nope! The only necromancers that REALLY interest me are Tara's gal Karina and the trustworthy and totally legitimate staff at Salvage and Logistics. 

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Jack isn't really a Ressurectionist as he doesn't resurrect anything himself. He's more of a Ressurectee. 


I was going to say that he plays all those Hanged and Nurses and Crooked Men, but then I remembered that he also plays Papa. Thus, he is excused.

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If I had the force, what would I do with it?


Interesting question and I would love to say help bring about world peace, or protect the innocent etc etc..  But ,most likely I would use it to get a beer from the fridge without having to get out of my chair!  ;)


Morning abs.


That is a great idea! Taking stuff without getting up! Awesome


Also, general misshief (I couldn't find a sheep variant)



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