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So, if you had the Force, what would you do (aside from hand-free wanking)?

Why was I ruled out immediately? You guys are picking on me again. I'm a visionary! You can't handle the truth! Why can't I be part of this conversation!? :(

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I'd immediately go Dark Side and lightning hands the crap out of ALL my enemies! *Muahahahahaaa*


Dude. You have enemies? I see the appeal, but there simply is no one I would use it on.


Drunk people pissing around, perhaps. Just to sober them up.


And dogs shitting everywhere. Definetly.

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You have enemies?



Dude. You have enemies? 


Of course!! Every self respecting Sith has enemies. All those pesky Jedi worshipping A - Holes out there are the first to go when I get Force Lightning in my arsenal! Then I'll move onto Boy Bands and ANYONE who likes, follows or has ever seen them live and once they have been "dealt with" I will move onto those bloody Jehovah's Witnesses that keep knocking on my door at 8am on a Saturday morning trying to convert me!!  :angry:

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I can throw in a philosophical question. If you do hands free wanking using the force on a dude, does it make you gay?


Does normal wanking make you gay? No, so if you're just using the Force to do it to yourself then no. However if you use the Force to wank off another man then OH HELL does that make you gay! 



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