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Traditionally us Brits like to be sadistic and force fruit cake on our Guests but as I fucking hate fruit cake we went for something traditional-ish for the smallest tier but it's got an entirely modern twist on it. It's more like a fruity sponge cake so that the oldies can have their fruit cake whilst we scoff the good shit at the bottom of the cake! :D


So that is why nobody ever visists the birts! They will be force-fed fruit cake!


Fruit Chips, in case you are interested in this abomination.


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I don't understand those. If you decide to opt for the fruit option you eat it as it is. As a fruit with all the good in it. Not in fucking chip form. People who opt for the chips ain't gonna go for fruit chips ffs.

Who the hell comes up with this shit? We have protein chips in Finland. Now that shit is retarded.

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Would make a good picture though. All 4 stooges holding their balls with tears in our eyes. :D


In suits of course, it's a wedding after all ;)



I don't understand those. If you decide to opt for the fruit option you eat it as it is. As a fruit with all the good in it. Not in fucking chip form. People who opt for the chips ain't gonna go for fruit chips ffs.

Who the hell comes up with this shit? We have protein chips in Finland. Now that shit is retarded.


Why make money with sensible means if you can just make triple as much with bullshitting? (No really, if you want you can make those yourself for a fraction of the cost. Or just eat apples)


Looked up protein chips. WHY DO THESE THINGS EXIST?

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I have no idea. People who are fussing over protein will never buy that shit. And those who think that slapping protein on anything is somehow good will only get double fat. Because you don't actually do anything that requires huge amounts of protein and you still get the fat and carbs. Ridiculous.

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More like Bridezilla but the end result would be pretty similar! 


That cake, MD getting kicked in the bullocks. Yup worth it.


Yep, worth it. What is a wedding without some well executed surprises? Precise plans are for suckers.


Also, I think your bride has a pretty negative impression of us. (Totally correct in zFiend's case, though.)

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Not me. I'm a married man. I would much rather have a list of food stuff, the music playlist and the information if there's an open bar.

Good. You take care of the food and beverage department. Me and PD take care of the ladies.. Who am I kidding? Me and PD? What's for dinner?

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Though could we get pictures of the bridesmaids before hand?


Given your track record? NO!!



Not me. I'm a married man. I would much rather have a list of food stuff, the music playlist and the information if there's an open bar.


There's a menu list on our website for the invited day guests, music is a mix of classic old songs (Queen, Bowie, Earth Wind and Fire, Thin Lizzy etc) dancy stuff (drum and base, house etc) and a bit of cheesy shit for the Mrs and there is a bar but I'll be damned if I'm paying to feed everybody AND get them pissed up! 

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Any bat shit crazy bridesmaids?


It's safe to assume that most women are bat shit crazy at some point in their life. Unfortunately for you one of them is happily married, another is actually a gay guy who is also married, two others are in relationships, another is single but a bit mental and the last one is my 8 year old kid sister so you're shit out of luck I'm afraid mate!

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