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I guess so.


I haven't flown anywhere for about three years or so now but the last flight I took to Greece their immigration controls were so laid back, I practically had to force them to check my passport!! :)


As for Uk, it seems daunting but really I have never had an issue, and just sauntered through.

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Australia was fun...they have the rulings in place about importing/exporting anything 'biological' so seeds, food etc..which is understandable considering the balls up they have made by introducing other species' into their eco system in the past!


I had an opened pack of wine gums and when I was asked if I had any food etc I was trying to bring in, I showed them the half empty packet.


I had two options: eat them there and then or bin them!  Wine gums?  Anyway, the lady was very polite about it (and lovely too) so I handed them over for disposal.  She took a couple to eat before putting the packet in the bin!



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I guess so.


I haven't flown anywhere for about three years or so now but the last flight I took to Greece their immigration controls were so laid back, I practically had to force them to check my passport!! :)


As for Uk, it seems daunting but really I have never had an issue, and just sauntered through.


Well, due to Schengen, they don't have to check a passport, I believe. It's only when you leave a southern country that you have to show it, becasue they northern countries don't want illegal immigrants...

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I have never been into terrain building, that has been my brother's forte thankfully!


If I do need terrain I tend to buy it pre made if possible, or at the very least a pop together kit.


A Hall of columns...this for any particular game?  Sounds like it could be an underground hold for Dwarfs!

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My wife just walked out on me...


... for a business trip to the US. She is freaking scared because her she's self-conscious about her English, and the airport personnel in Texas is rumoured to mangle that language something bad.


Morning, everyone (yes, that includes you, you filthy Fin!)


It'll be fine. They will love her accent. If she's going to Austin she'll be dealing with hipsters more than rednecks anyway.


PuppetsWar bring new fences. LINK




The Poles are clearly serious about their modeling, if PuppetsWar and Micro Arts Studio are any indication. I find it hilarious that PuppetsWar's sci-fi bikers are resin and much better detailed than GW's, yet they are still cheaper.


Oh them... yeah theyre just dicks, even to us. One of the reasons I refuse to travel, really, seeing as how I dont handle "poor service" well. I wish her the best of luck dealing with TSA.


It sucks. I am hoping that maybe one day we'll see the policies lighten up again. The terrorists (or "turr'rists," depending on where in this country you are) aren't going to attack planes now, because we'd expect that.


The only two things that have changed that are actually keeping us safe are lockable cockpits and air marshals on flights. Beyond that, it's a big joke. At least now you can carry a tiny Swiss Army keychain knife without issues.

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It'll be fine. They will love her accent. If she's going to Austin she'll be dealing with hipsters more than rednecks anyway.


She's going to Dallas, for a conference.


The only two things that have changed that are actually keeping us safe are lockable cockpits and air marshals on flights. 


Let's not go to lockable cockpit doors keeping people safe.

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Oh, right...the recent German flight catastrophe. Sorry to poke at a wound :(


Most of the TSA screening stuff post 9/11 (i.e. everything outside of metal detectors and luggage screening) doesn't seem to do more than provide the illusion of security. Have there been any instances of those creepy body scanners actually detecting something?

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Yeah, that doesn't always work.


The only possible options are always having 2 or more pilots in the cockpit and/or lockable doors that have an override on the exterior (with passcodes) I guess.


Neither really does the trick. There is no 100% safety when it comes to people, and we should not let us be scared into thinking that enough surveillance, prescriptions and mistrust could change that.

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Man you guys really go for it. Over here in the uk we are vigilant but in day to day life you hardly ever see a police or military prescence.


Neither do we. Recently I read somewhere that the American police shot more people this March than the UK police the last twenty years (population size accounted for).

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I got in my two games 9-6 with Poison Nicodem and 7-5 with Justice against Nicodem. Fun games.


I heard from the next table someone say (when talking about the range of Lure) "that is oddly long" to which I yelled out "That's what she said" with something like this:



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