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I usually end up in trouble because I'm an idiot rather than having done something deliberately. Also there are days where I might not have done anything wrong at all (At least from my perspective) and I'm still in trouble for something without even knowing what I've done. When I finally realize I'm in the dog house I ask why and get "You should know why!" or "If you can't figure it out on your own I'm not going to explain it to you". Last time I checked I'm not Psychic... would be useful though!


If my woman would pull such a stunt on me, she would be in trouble.


Seriously, my recipe for relationships is: If you cannot talk about it, there's nothing to talk about. That's why I'm so happy: No need to be a psychic.

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Well since we are posting pics of ourselves... behold, CJ!!




Dayum son! I bet you get all the ladies lookin' like that! PLAYAH!! :D


If my woman would pull such a stunt on me, she would be in trouble.


Seriously, my recipe for relationships is: If you cannot talk about it, there's nothing to talk about. That's why I'm so happy: No need to be a psychic.


True, the only real recipe for a successful relationship is transparency and honestly and for the most part we are but sometimes Gina succumbs to the crazies, to be fair I'm no different. 

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True, the only real recipe for a successful relationship is transparency and honestly and for the most part we are but sometimes Gina succumbs to the crazies, to be fair I'm no different. 


Nobody is perfect.


I'm seriously considering crashing MD's wedding, now that I know where it is.


I'm also interested if the "giant garden games" will include cheese rolling.

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Nobody is perfect.


I'm seriously considering crashing MD's wedding, now that I know where it is.


I'm also interested if the "giant garden games" will include cheese rolling.


Nope, not even zFiend's beloved Sybelle is perfect. Although he'll never believe it! 


Go for it! I'll tell the venue staff to throw any Germans, Americans, Dutch or Vikings that turn up into the pond!  :P


*sigh* Wish I'd never told you guys about that noble sport! It's a local thing the people of Gloucestershire do. Not hailing from that particular region I've never taken part. The most athletic thing I do on a weekly basis is type these posts or flip cards from a fate deck! :D

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Go for it! I'll tell the venue staff to throw any Germans, Americans, Dutch or Vikings that turn up into the pond!  :P


Sounds like Absolution Black and his mist are invited.



Considering my nation's tendency for showing up where we aren't invited, it's probably for the best :)


Though that would be an incredibly epic wedding crash, especially if we dressed in-faction... especially Z in his finest evening dress and parasol


I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.... Well, maybe that guy though...

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 especially Z in his finest evening dress and parasol


Hahaha that would be brutal.


Would PD then be dressed up like a Nanny? 


Abs would be dressed up in a tight tube top, super slim pants and a blindfold? 


I don't what faction CJ prefers actually? 


Dirial could be wearing a robot costume to be the sneaky, dirty watcher stalker he is. 

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Well, looks like I've got 2 campaign games and 1 big game lined up for tomorrow, plus waffles and Daredevil on Netflix all weekend. 


The actual game list: 


Molly (pool 7)

  > Forgotten Path

Datsue Ba

Izamu the Armor



Rotten Belle

The Drowned

The Drowned




Drowned to start with? Okay I guess. Not really a fan of them, as I prefer Crooked Men. 

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