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That's interesting. I have not found a single Master in the game that doesn't interest me. Some I find more compelling, true, but none that I find not compelling.

I have a few. Hamelin, Ironsides, Ulix, Colette, Hoffman, Zoraida, Yan Blow. I am sure there are others to that list but I can't remember them right now.

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That's interesting. I have not found a single Master in the game that doesn't interest me. Some I find more compelling, true, but none that I find not compelling.

I do have masters that not interest me. Conicidally, they are all in the Guild. (And Arcanists, and 70% of Gremlins)

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I have a few. Hamelin, Ironsides, Ulix, Colette, Hoffman, Zoraida, Yan Blow. I am sure there are others to that list but I can't remember them right now.


I want to like Hamelin and Yan Blow but I just don't like their play style. It bores me stupid. Although I like their art, fluff, models etc. 


However there are Masters that just don't interest me in the slightest, 6/7 Gremlins Masters just don't do anything for me. The only one that intrigues me is Brewmaster. For example, I bought Som'er exclusively for Johana and swiftly ditched the rest of the box without a second thought. I really couldn't care less about Gremlins. Certain Ressers as well, Seamus and Molly do utterly nothing for me. I do like the looks of Kirai and will no doubt pick her up at some point but that's in the way distant future. 


Oh... Marcus as well, he is the only Arcanist I really don't mind never owning. 

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You guys are telling me that the only one in our little group who would buy the hell out of each single Master in the game is the only one with enough Wp to stay true to one faction?




Yeah that about sums it up. I'd never play a Gremlin master. Even Brewie I'd play exclusively 10T

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Worse, there was no sauce, I cooked them last night because I needed food for work today lol sacrifices must be made to stop spending money. I also don't own a grill, so it was straight from boil to pan on the stove. I am a terrible person.


Isn't that a crime to those poor bratwursts?

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