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I've been considering culling my collection hard. Maybe cutting down to just Arcanists, Outcasts, Lady J and Perdita, and any Ressers that I think would work well with Tara.


I don't play often enough to justify keeping as much as I have, and I'd like to keep my entire collection in a single KR case.

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I don't play very often, not as much as i'd love to (trying to get my wife on board lol) but with Malifaux I am actually expanding my collection, whilst culling other games etc (Warmahordes, GW).


I think the main reason is that the plastic minis are, on the whole, beautiful and I really look forward to painting each and every one..they are all individual.  Not like 40k Marines...I still sigh when I look at a pile of unpainted Raven guard...

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My friends who are avid WWE fans *sighs* are always refering to VS as Hulk Hogan. Ripping off his shirt, kicking ass, taking names, just wont give up etc. Not my favorite nickname for him but it gets the job done!


A few of us had it as a running joke before M2E was released, calling him "Von Hogan." Someone on the staff obviously thought it was funny, because that is why the one upgrade is called "The Shirt Comes Off". Sadly, there's no "Punch, Punch, Punch...Uh-Oh!" ability with a trigger called "Pointing at YOU!" :D


I think pro wrestling is actually more interesting as an adult- since you know it's business and it's scripted, you end up playing armchair booker, making predictions and talking about how you would've run an angle instead of how it actually plays out. I find the business side of it as interesting (if not more so) as what happens onscreen.

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I've been considering culling my collection hard. Maybe cutting down to just Arcanists, Outcasts, Lady J and Perdita, and any Ressers that I think would work well with Tara.


I don't play often enough to justify keeping as much as I have, and I'd like to keep my entire collection in a single KR case.


I hear ya, I've still got to build my Plastic VS and Lucius crews and my LGS is holding onto Leve for me until the Deso Engine comes out... case space dwindling VERY quickly. I've also got plans to replace metal Kaeris with the new one and pick up Mei Feng, Ironsides and probably Jack Daw when he's released... Oh and Shenlong and all the Plastic Hoffman stuff and a Peacekeeper and Austringers soo.... yeah.... Another case might be in my future. Oh and maybe Raspy too... 

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I don't play very often, not as much as i'd love to (trying to get my wife on board lol) but with Malifaux I am actually expanding my collection, whilst culling other games etc (Warmahordes, GW).


I think the main reason is that the plastic minis are, on the whole, beautiful and I really look forward to painting each and every one..they are all individual.  Not like 40k Marines...I still sigh when I look at a pile of unpainted Raven guard...


I know it's crazy, but I still think that the ol' RTB-01 plastic Marines have more personality than pretty much any plastic Marines since.

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Usually when something gets stuck to my head I immediately start thinking how annoying it is and then it's a flashback of..


I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it. You like to! MOVE IT! 


And then it's that shit for a while. Or Stelio Kontos. 

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I actually started painting my McCabe crew. I finished my Sonnia crew. I am at dead end with Kirai inspiration wise.

I just hope I won't lose our bet and have to get that amazing and beautiful Lucius boxset. :P


Tip for building him: Line up the hair, not his throat. Also, one of the Lawyers has a really tiny walking cane.

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