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Also do any of you have an alternate way to contact/ or know Panzerharris on here (Ben)?


I am trying to get hold of him via PM but he isn't responding, though he did say he was having problems with the alerts!


He is building some models for me but I haven't had an update in a while...not too concerned as he has always done them in the past, but would like an update!

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No local stores sell Malifaux here either :(


I share that pain.


Masters I own, sorted:


Guild: Sonnia, Lucius, Lady J, Dita. Don't own Hoff, only played McCabe once, and never McM.

Resser: Seamus. Never played McM.

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What I heard of it was that it was Guild vs Neverborn, but all new stuff. Asylum Guards vs Mental Inmates. So not master vs master.


Heard that rumor, too. No idea when it's going to come out, though. Also, do Guild and Neverborn have less models? How will the other factions catch up?

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What I heard of it was that it was Guild vs Neverborn, but all new stuff. Asylum Guards vs Mental Inmates. So not master vs master.

I suppose it has to be really for maximum sales.


You aren't going to buy a Perdita/Lilith match up if you own one or both of the masters anyway...unless they are alternative sculpts.

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Small rulebook is the greatest - I only buy the large books in PDF, and only for the stories... 

I don't like PDF's usually.  I like to feel a book in my hands..i am an old fogey when it comes to this.


Even if the rules are free in a pdf (a la Guild Ball), I still print it out before I read them!

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I usually eat two sandwiches in the morning. And about 10 during the whole day.... 


(I wish I was still in bed)


One of my favorite breakfasts is a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat. Blame the SuperFriends for that one.


Makes it hard to promote a healthy lifestyle. Healthy tasteless food costs quadruple than "unhealthy" nice burgers. This is not a hard choice.


Combine that with an impossible to achieve beauty standard and you have a recipe for keeping the people distracted from more important issues. At least prior to the 2000s it was merely difficult. Thanks to Photoshop abuse, it's now literally impossible.


I would support this if it was themed with Sonnia / Rasputina, Justice / Nicodem, or Perdita / Lilith


Also if it came with the collected short stories in a separate book, going all the way back to the first book (hint hint, in case magic gaming elves are reading this)


That idea has been brought up a lot- I know I pushed for it back when. That said, a setup with all-new minis is a good idea- new players will have minis they can use with multiple factions (something tells me that both sides' models will be dual-faction or even mercenary), existing players have a reason to buy the starter, no sales cannibalization, and best of all, no whining about how a certain master isn't available in the starter kit.


GW has that problem in particular. Space Marines are boring. I'd much rather play Nids versus Guard - at least I know I would be getting my money's worth on models. 


Space Marines were a lot more fun when they were just really good soldiers in power armor with a few primitive enhancements.

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I have no idea what this is... but yes... all of this...


That's Avatar: Legend of Korra, and she's a Metal Bender. The second is Avatar: The Last Airbender, and he's a Fire Bender.


Combine them, and you know how Mei Feng fights in my head canon.

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Oh dear, the patented Lord of Dust quotebomb! 


Hello there. How is it going?


That idea has been brought up a lot- I know I pushed for it back when. That said, a setup with all-new minis is a good idea- new players will have minis they can use with multiple factions (something tells me that both sides' models will be dual-faction or even mercenary), existing players have a reason to buy the starter, no sales cannibalization, and best of all, no whining about how a certain master isn't available in the starter kit.


No whining? In a wargame community? *Rolls on floor laughing*



I have no idea what this is... but yes... all of this...


You don't know the Avatar cartoon? :o Go watch it!

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Oh dear, the patented Lord of Dust quotebomb! 


Hello there. How is it going?


No whining? In a wargame community? *Rolls on floor laughing*


I don't mean "no whining" in a literal sense. I mean there's no excuse for any whining. I'm sure someone would complain, but in this case, they would have no justification for it.

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