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A man taking the woman's surname in a marriage. The only ones I've encountered here are the woman taking the man's name, the woman keeping her own name, or the combined name with the hyphen. Guess I learned something new today. 


Oh, that exists for a long time here. Nothing new. The parents of one of my best friends decided on the woman's name over thirty years ago.


And why wouldn't it be a possibility? Equal rights and stuff?

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I even considered just taking a random name, but my wife wasn't up for it.




I have been teetering on the brink of doing a Khorne army for either Fantasy or 40K for years, now they release a codex that will allow me to do just that and include shiny new models..


Willpower duel failed I reckon..

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Well, that's illegal here. Man's name, woman's name, both their own, one of them a double name. Those are the possibilities.

That was a joke lol, not a good one...I have no idea if we could have taken a random surname.  We can change it by deed poll if we wanted to but I don't think we will.


As for Fantasy, I think I will stay out of that and not get a new army.  I have over 10,000pts of Dwarfs anyway!

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I even considered just taking a random name, but my wife wasn't up for it.




I have been teetering on the brink of doing a Khorne army for either Fantasy or 40K for years, now they release a codex that will allow me to do just that and include shiny new models..


Willpower duel failed I reckon..


I'd do 40k if you want a cheaper option. Bloodletters die in droves in Fantasy. Trust me, I'm quite adept at murdering them with my High Elves, Ogres and Warriors or Chaos ;)


Either way giving GW any money is basically the same as selling your soul to some money grubbing corporate machine who wouldn't give two fucks to their customer base if they have a big ol' pile of fucks to give. 

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I agree on the beer thing, though. Our domestic brands are mostly terrible - Yuengling and Blue Moon are about all that is really drinkable. Anything cider is decent, especially when mixed with salted caramel vodka (Angry Orchard is currently the best cider).

I wish I had the money to open a gaming space with an attached bar/lounge. Maybe with the profits from my roommate relocation service...


Angry Orchard is good, but not the best. I would argue Woodchuck is the best American, and Woodpecker is the best English cider. Stella Artois has a cider that's actually pretty good, too. Fortunately, the only cider that's truly bad is not cider at all- that Redd's Apple Ale is cheap hooch with apple flavoring added. Laaaaame.


Blue Moon is OK. Yuengling is good (and independent, to boot). Dive into some microbrews sometime; there's some good stuff in there. Hell, I have a microbrewery about 5 minutes from where I live now. Even the not-so-good ones are leagues better than Miller and Anheuser-Busch junk.


Cheap beers are for cooking- beer bread, chili...I need to have my girlfriend make Hipster Cupcakes for our next gathering- the cupcakes are made with Pabst Blue Ribbon (which, believe it or not, actually used to be a decent beer, but that was long before I was able to drink it) and the frosting is made with donut glaze vodka. They were awesome, but her co-workers are uncultured savages that neither got the joke nor truly appreciated how good they tasted. Savages, I tell ya.


That said, I am still angry when I think of the time we went here and these four bros drank PBR instead of, well, anything else. They have Newcastle, Guinness, and my beloved Boddington's on tap, and these uncultured buffoons are drinking PBR...pathetic. I damn near bought them a round just to expose them to something good.


And salted caramel is a trend that, like the abuse of bacon and pumpkin spice everything, can die already.


I'm almost 39. It kinda sucks, though I did get to grow up during a couple of great decades, musically (modern pop is borrowing from New Wave a lot, and modern non-metal rock is borrowing from 70s garage and now even 90s alt/grunge). Apparently I don't look it. All those years not tanning have paid off- of course, neither of my parents look as old as they are, so genes probably helped...

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Either way giving GW any money is basically the same as selling your soul to some money grubbing corporate machine who wouldn't give two fucks to their customer base if they have a big ol' pile of fucks to give. 


So, par the course. Nothing special about it. :P


Hey Lord of Dust.

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See, that is interesting..as if it is the same Woodpecker that we have over here, it isn't the best cider by a long shot.


If I decide to partake in the apple based drink then I like to hunt down Magners, Koppaberg or Scrumpy Jack.


However, for the true cider connoisseur you should only insist on the 'still' versions.  ie.  not sparkling.  Traditional cider this way is fantastic though be warned, it is literally like drinking Apple juice but is very strong.  It will make you very drunk, very fast.  And best served chilled.

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We have a lot of Rennaisance and Medieval festivals over the summer on the East Coast - when you want traditional cider or mead, you just go there and buy direct from licensed homemade retailers :)


Usually men in kilts with beards and big smiles. 


I love mead, shame nobody makes the proper stuff anymore. Historically it wasn't alcoholic. 

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If you wanna get trashed fast, that's what moonshine is for. Short of Everclear (which is less a libation and more a chemical anyway) it's the fastest way to make the room spin.


I haven't seen those cider brands in this part of the country, Abs. Guess I'll stick with Woodchuck or Hornsby's (sadly I can't find the Dark 'n' Dry anymore) or Angry Orchard for a nice end-of-the-work-day beverage. Mead is dangerous, because like the non-bubbly cider, it only takes about 5 minutes to acquire a taste for it. Other than a couple of instances of a house brand, this is usually what I run into: http://www.thedrinkshop.com/products/nlpdetail.php?prodid=3478


All the gym talk...I used to go to the gym. Foot problems provided me an excuse not to go a few years ago, and the girlfriend hates exercise and gives me a hard time when I say I miss working out. Still, once I do resume, I think I'm just going to do DDP Yoga instead. That'll give me plenty of strength building plus a lot of work on my joints. I need to lose some weight- BMI says I should be under 200, which is utter tripe. I need to be around 225-230, or at least at the point where I can wear 36 inch waisted jeans again, like I did in 2009.


I'd probably take classes again if I could find one with women younger than their 50s in them. On the other hand, that would distract me from the purpose of being there...

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