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Speaking of coffee: Did you know there is no Starbucks in Italy? They failed miserably.


Because Italians actually know good coffee.


I was dragged into a Costa Coffee shop by the Mrs yesterday. I immediately initiated Rant Mode and started moaning about all the douche bag coffee drinkers on their laptops / tablets. I then proceeded to ask the person at the till if I could have a "coffee". The conversation went a little like this and the look on her face was priceless!!!


"Can I have a Coffee?" I asked

"What kind of Coffee?" she replied

"The normal kind" 

"I don't know what you mean?" she replied.

"I work with builders, I want a normal coffee!" 

"You mean a Latte?" She said

"No, a normal coffee you know? Hot Water, Milk, Coffee Grains...." I laughed as this so called Barista was struggling to understand what I wanted. 

"So you just want a normal coffee?" She asked finally looking a little confused. 

"No thanks, I don't drink coffee, it's disgusting. I was just proving a point" I finally replied and walked away. 


Yeah I was an ass but coffee drinkers in those sorts of places are utter douche bags and this was a point I wanted to prove to my wife to be. 


P.S. She was NOT amused! :D

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I am in a land of coffee philistines. Sic transit gloria mundi.


Only one who seems to honor a good coffee is the poet, and I'm just basing that on the fact that he whines about the bad stuff at his workplace.

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Coffee is like women.  Far too many bad ones out there, but when you find the perfect one..you hold onto it!


No, hang on that won't work.  because if you hold onto it, it will just go cold.  And if a woman goes cold, she is likely dead..Not good.  You are venturing into zFiend terrority there...

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