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I saw it. Doesn't look like a huge deal has changed. (I don't like the lack of interaction in close combat.)


A lot of small changes- no huge revisions to the rules. The one major rule change is the new cavalry rule Thunderous Charge- if a unit wasn't charged or otherwise disrupted in the previous turn, they get a better chance for their hits to actually wound.


The only real issues I'm seeing are with some of the units, and the fact that there will be no Twilight Kin list in the book (at least not a finalized one). For the most part, the core rules look good.


I get why people don't like the lack of Warhammer style give and take in close combat. That said, I find Whammer's close combat methods convoluted and messy. Kings of War's style is more abstract and less cinematic, but as a game it works a lot better.

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This painting queue is really killing me. I have now 15 models to basecoat and paint to get Kirai running. Though then I can finally field her! I have been waiting for that. 


Oh I forgot I painted 3 Autopsies as well. :P  

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Painting far too fast.

One a year is plenty!


Haha I used to have that pace. Now I paint when the muse strikes and what I am feeling like painting. Now it's Rezzers so I'm trying to just paint as fast as I can. I have lowered my tabletop standards though to pace up the painting. Once I'm done with the queue I can start doing more details and highlights and shit. But for now. It's just paint paint paint so I can play all my crews. 

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