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Lol, I still have ALL of my fantasy minis (admittedly it is one army only, and about 600+ Dwarfs!)


And I have my trusty Raven Guard army for 40k that has been with me for years, with the odd addition every now and then.


I very rarely buy any more GW minis unless they are new and I don't already have them. 


Though lately I have been drawn to starting a Khorne Daemon/Mortal army...  but the cost is at least stopping me!!

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I am waiting for Walking Dead season 5. 


Then I usually watch Big Bang Theory, though it's been getting quite bad lately. Just finished up American Dad for a second time. Then I watched the new Sherlock Holmes a while back. I really wanna watch Whitechapel and Luther again.

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Ed, did you ever take a look at Ruination's minis? They are in a similar, if not the same, scale as Duel Fighters.


DeepWars is one of those games that really deserves more praise- nobody else (not counting generic systems like GASLIGHT) does underwater skirmish, and some of the tables I've seen are just so pretty.


That said, nothing wrong with a backlog to a point- I'd say figure out about what six months' worth of painting on your schedule could do, and limit it to that. Which means I should own about one Malifaux starter box ;)


That was a nightmare. I had to look through all manner of archive sites trying to work out what year a citadel or marauder mini was released.


Yeah, I'd just say Citadel OOP and put in the description that it might be Marauder, but you aren't sure.


I always boot up Skyrim. Enjoy wandering around the world but never start the story. Then get bored and play something else.


I still do this. Recently finished the main quests for Wyrmstooth and Falskaar, and I recommend both if you want some new places to go.


Does Gravity Falls count?


Yes. As do any of the current Cartoon Network-produced cartoons. I like all of them in varying degrees, except I haven't clicked with Steven Universe other than "if every porkchop was perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." If nothing else, Uncle Grandpa gave us this great parody:




We watch Big Bang Theory (girlfriend dragged me in), Sleepy Hollow (though we've backlogged this entire season), Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Modern Family (better than it should be, thanks to a great cast), and I just started iZombie. Girlfriend likes to watch House Hunters a lot, and we watch Chopped every so often.


Oh, and I watch my WWE rasslin' sometimes- about 4 times a month- a few of the Raw or Smackdown shows plus the pay-per-view now that it's only $10 a month for that.

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