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It's why I have any Kingdom Death stuff, to be honest. Or Duel Fighters. Or a lot of things. >.> The siren's call of beautiful models... Life's going well! Work is slightly less crazy now that I'm reaching the end of the night, lol. Looking forward to starting on the weekend soon. \o/ How are you guys?

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Doing well, counting down towards the time I get to play Malifaux this week. :pulse . Also thinking on my Iron Quill entry. 

There will unfortunately be no game or hobby time this weekend, next weekend..and actually the Easter weekend too.. That is the danger time as I then spend what small spare time I have on the internet and get snared into buying more models!

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Oh, I've got five teams coming, lol. Fishermen, Masons, Morticians, Alchemists and enough Union to be able to run them as a team. ;) Just the Fishermen and the Masons are the two I'm most keen to paint and play.

Lol, I have looked through the other team sheets etc and none of the others really appeals to me aesthetically or fluff wise.  However, if I enjoy the game and then see the actual minis I might be swayed into more.  But for now to get used to it, just Butchers and Fishermen! 

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Wait a second. Just found my login to their pledge manager. I'm in the same boat as Ed. 5 teams and probably enough Union to do another. I too have the Morticians on their way.


Now do I ebay off things that I'll probably never get around to painting, DeepWars, EDEN etc. Or do I just put them in a cupboard for the distant future where maybe I can't afford new minis.

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Wait a second. Just found my login to their pledge manager. I'm in the same boat as Ed. 5 teams and probably enough Union to do another. I too have the Morticians on their way.


Now do I ebay off things that I'll probably never get around to painting, DeepWars, EDEN etc. Or do I just put them in a cupboard for the distant future where maybe I can't afford new minis.

Keep them?  You may get a rough patch or slow time when there are no minis for you to buy...

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ugh. I still need to sell of some warhammer/40k stuff. And I have a hard time convincing myself....

sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it.....


Half the battle is probably sorting it all.  I took an afternoon and sorted all the warmachine stuff, photographed it all, wrote brief descriptions etc.


then if you have had enough, come back and pop it on ebay etc at a later date if you are still determined to sell.  If not, then at least you have the stuff prepped if in the future you do!

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sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it.....


Half the battle is probably sorting it all.  I took an afternoon and sorted all the warmachine stuff, photographed it all, wrote brief descriptions etc.


then if you have had enough, come back and pop it on ebay etc at a later date if you are still determined to sell.  If not, then at least you have the stuff prepped if in the future you do!


Sounds smart. Will most likely do that with my Cryx Chicken Bots. Don't really like those.

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