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Y'know, I am totally fine with feedback on a product to make it better, but somehow I don't think "these are a wee bit too large" qualifies as something to rage/demand a refund over. Especially when you've received more than double the original promised product. These are gaming miniatures, not industrial machinery components.


After reading the thread dedicated to this topic, there are a few people that need to be smacked upside the head in the hopes that they will re-examine their priorities in life.


Seriously, I play games with multiple lines all the time and the minis aren't all in perfect scale with each other. It doesn't really affect us much, and it's certainly not worth pitching a fit over. Get over yourselves, ragers.

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I actually rather like their fluff, it's pretty interesting stuff. The whole culture is rather drastically different from so many others in fantasy anything, so that's a plus. On top of that, I think I could do some neat things with color schemes for them. The whole mutilation thing I'm not a fan of, but they've managed to do it in a way where it comes across as something other than 2nd ed. Dark Eldar, lol. Right now, I'm thinking I'd want to give Mordikaar a shot, with the new Lesser Warlock, Zaadesh, running a pair of Cyclops Brutes.


Also, they happen to be currently at odds with the Retribution in the fluff, and the idea of doing a diorama army holder that combines the two is appealing, lol.

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Honestly, the only main complaint I have with them is that the Cataphracti have officers with helmets... and soldiers without them. O.o Including the Cephrati, with their Armor 20 in Shield Wall...


But yeah, reading over their rules, I think I could have a lot of fun with them as a counterpart to the Retribution. I'd do Legion, but I realized that I only ultimately liked the idea of running Abby and Rhyas' tier list, which isn't a whole lot of interesting, honestly. Beast assassination/attrition, infantry assassination/attrition between those two. Don't like either the models or the fluff for the others. But Skorne... the only warlocks I really don't like are Rasheth and Naakash. I like the rest of them, which means I can play some wildly divergent styles from each other.


How was your weekend?

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Ran Iron Kingdoms on Friday... discovered just how deadly that game is to players, lol. Even Kossites are enough to seriously injure anyone not a tank. Still, it was a good baseline combat for me to plan against.


Had a coffee date on Saturday, it seemed to go well. Have a few niggling things to keep an eye on for any potential future dates, but at the least it was fun, lol. Sunday I slept about 15 hours and watched the new Doctor Who... didn't get a whole lot accomplished.

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