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Off Topic Playground

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Gencon was crazy, yet somehow a lot less crazy, annoying, and insane than Dragoncon. Parking is cheaper, rooms are cheaper, and the convention center makes the whole thing feel less crowded (I do not miss getting around the hotels at Dragoncon at all). About the only complaint I have (and it's a minor gripe) is needing tickets for everything. $2 for most events is not a big deal, but I do think $6 for the board game room each day and night is a bit much (I'll probably just spring for full weekend passes next time). Magfest doesn't charge a dime for their loaner library, and it's not that much smaller than Gencon's.


I spent a good amount; the bulk of it went to Malifaux supplies- Crossroads, Rules Manual, Scheme & Strat deck, and the Whiskey Golem. Girlfriend got a Kin crew box. I got to meet Victoria (briefly, she was staffing so I didn't want to keep her). Sadly, I did not get to meet anyone else there (not counting our local Henchman who was also helping to work the Wyrd booth and demo area) but I did see Justin getting in and demoing stuff just like everyone else. The Rasputina cosplayer looked familiar somehow- I wonder if she's done group costumes with some of my acquaintances into that sort of thing.


If we go next year, perhaps we can all meet up for some gaming. Heck, I'm tempted to forgo roomblock rooms and just split a nearby suite 5-6 ways like my friends. OTT regulars are welcome to get in touch about splitting a room if you're looking at going next year.


Through the Breach: I have barely looked at my TtB KS rewards, but the figure kits are outstanding and the sooner they get those out for the general public, the better. I envision a lot of Desperate Mercenaries, Ronin, Guild Guards, and so on being made with those kits.


Other stuff: Try Khet (laser beams) and Flapjacks and Sasquatches (simple to play but with enough strategy to keep it interesting). Also give Bushido a go; I think it would be a great alt game for Malifaux players who want something different, yet a bit similar.

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Y'know, I am totally fine with feedback on a product to make it better, but somehow I don't think "these are a wee bit too large" qualifies as something to rage/demand a refund over. Especially when you've received more than double the original promised product. These are gaming miniatures, not industrial machinery components.

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