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Yup, I keep popping in from time to time to see what is happening!


Hope to start playing  a lot more soon, so will no doubt be asking loads of inane questions!


Too many projects on the go really, should pick one and see it through before starting others!


(A few things in my Warhammer Dwarf army to finish building, plus lots to paint)

(A Kill Team squad for 40k, a chapter of my own devising using Black Templar rules)

(a few models to purchase and build for my Protectorate of Menoth 'Horde'!)

(Viks and then new Lady J boxes to build and hopefully paint)

(returning to writing the Absolution Black stories..)


and so on lol...

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Heh, don't be too sorry, I've been having fun with it!


I nearly melted Ed's brain during NaNo the other year too, which is an added bonus. Apparently I shouldn't write a story with several time periods if I'm also going to keep jumping about in the writing order... he had no idea what was going on for a while :P

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Good to see you're still dropping in from time to time, Victoria and Abs.
I was hoping pasting in from Word would fix the lack of tables in the Find-A-Player thread, but no dice. Not sure what I can do with it at this point other than just keep the Google Spreadsheet going. The upside- I can add someone as an editor to that via Gmail account. Someone more active in the community needs to be checking that, since I'm not playing Malifaux much these days.


I haven't quit, mind you, it's just <sunglasses>  B) tabled. YYYEAAAAAHHHHHH!


I can empathize with bills- my car, in ten years, just had its first major issue. Air conditioning system is shot. The first mechanic gave me an estimate of $1500 to fix it, over $700 of which just covered a remanufactured compressor. That prompted an online search and I found new aftermarket ones with warranties for ~$400. Needless to say, I went to another mechanic. The downside is that I'm still waiting for word that it's done.


Games-wise, planning on doing Kings of War at the next games club(ish) meeting. Also doing some board gaming and enjoying that- got to try Sentinels of the Multiverse recently. I like it, even though it deserves an art makeover. The art's not bad, but between the game's success and the appearance of official Marvel and DC games with professional-grade art, they need to look at doing a second edition in the next year or two.


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I finally spent my $10K and stayed up too late flipping through the Fated Alamanac [sic]. It looks like an interesting system. Really looking forward to the customizable minis though- if those don't sell like crazy I'll be amazed.


Oy, I killed OTP again. Wait, what's that thing Ed does to reboot it? Hang on, lemme try it...


"Morning everyone, how goes?"


Let's hope it works, or that he comes around soon to fix it ;)

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"Morning everyone, how goes?"

Well you said the magic words ;-)

I spent way too much at my local convention. Bought a bunch of zombies as well as Judge Dredd (Ape Gang). Really worried about my finances though. I get one paycheck before Salute, where I've got a huge shopping list and then not long after that will be the Infamy kickstarter. Speaking of kickstarter, no idea what I'm doing with Guildball.

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