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Off Topic Playground

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the community is trying to grow again... I'm finding it hard getting 10 people to come to this tournament... people want to come but won't put the money down until they know there's at least 10 there which the organisers are asking for.


If it doesn't go ahead they'll all get their money back but the organisers want them to commit

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Oy, best of luck on the tourney, Shaper.


Warframe is pretty much the engine of a crazy FPS combat/RPG levelling hybrid, but it's...addictive. Haven't spent a dime on it yet and I'm having fun, other than the addictive part.


Hopefully I can get some cleaning done tonight. Need to make more progress in getting through all of my non-essential hobby stuff that's taking up space.

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I wouldn't be playing it if it wasn't free. That said, if you try it and like it, and ever get a 70% off Platinum offer when you log in, jump on it.


Warframe is...a bit sparse in the documentation department. As such, it's a bit intimidating to get into without a bit of help.


This beginner's guide is quite good: http://azmytheconomics.wordpress.com/2013/09/20/warframe-beginner-guide/

Wiki for if you want to get more in-depth about weapons and such: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki


Anyone who wants to try it should feel free to look me up so we can play together :)

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Oi!  I am a venerable institution!  You should show more respect whippersnapper!  :)


Wow, it was very windy here last night...next door lost several slates off their roof and thankfully they waited until I stepped through the front door before falling off!


Seconds later...CRASH!


*wipes brow*

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