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Hi. Still alive. Think I may need a brief break from minigaming for a bit. Work filters make it harder to come around here.

Might be taking a break from minis for a while for the most part- I'm going to get a bit of Wings of Glory WW1 because it's fun, cheap, and easy (insert your own joke about the world's oldest profession here). Seriously, it's a great light game with plenty of room for strategy. I'll probably give Firestorm v2 a go as well. Beyond that, nothing that my LGS wants to carry right now is all that interesting to me. If I can get up to speed on Dreadball, perhaps I'll try to do a demo day for that. For those who aren't interested in spending a lot, they can get a team for cheap, much like Blood Bowl.

Wild West Exodus looks good- it's as if someone took Malifaux and said "we like this, but let's make it alt-Western with high-tech, go back to dice, and make it somewhat larger in scale, like old-school 40k was." I think it'll be a nice change of pace, and I'd be shocked if we don't see fan stat cards for Malifaux minis soon- if I can get good enough, maybe I'll add that to the project pile. Lady Justice and a large carde of Guild Marshals vs. Jesse James and his outlaws could be a lot of fun.

Might get in on the CoinAge KS: I could get 2 sets for $10 plus a few bucks shipping, and it looks like a great actually portable game (as in fits in a wallet). I'm likely to do at least a bit of the KoW 2 KS next year, but beyond those I think I need to quit unless someone relaunches Alkemy.

I'm off after tomorrow for 6 days....it'll be so nice.

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