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I took the morning to work at home, and going to be in the hospital this afternoon.

Kind of dull that I can be as productive at home as in the lab, but that's teh price of waiting for things and ying to draft out papers I guess!

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But you're evil Shine, so it doesn't count. *wink*

Wow, today has been a real banging-head-against-wall one. I cannot get my head round the list of stuff I need to include in my paper. I think I need an ice cream.

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I have been missing a book I'm reading since my sisters wedding. I'm starting to wonder if it fell out of my purse at the reception hall. I don't remember having it in there but I don't remember taking it out either

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

Found it!

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------

Hmm... And finished it. Where is everyone tonight?

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Howdy. Sorta. It is month's end and my co-worker/employee has of all of the days to oversleep chosen this wonderful FRIDAY at MONTH'S END to come a couple hours too late. So I get to bust my chaps doing her stuff instead of my stuff and then get thousands of calls and interruptions while at it. ^_^


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I guess okay. Finished three models I have been working on for three days yesterday. Started taking 'professional' photos of my minis. Still have quite the amount of minis to go until I have everything on film.

I will have to experiment with photo quality. At the moment my setup requires me to use a flash on the camera, in order to get good detailed photos. The problem is that some models (especially the lighter ones) come off as really super bright and not their natural tone. I seriously do not know how to get the settings right to just have the models taken as my eyes perceive them. It is so weird.

Camera bsns is odd bsns.


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Three questions- what kind of lightbulb, what background, and what's your editing program?

I'm okay. Got some writing done this week which is exciting. Archery in the morning, and tonight seems like it'll be a decent night at work. Also got in a rather lengthy walk before work, so that's always fun.

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Erm, what? xD

I basically have a bulb like dome that evens out the light for the model. I use the ceiling lights and the flash in my camera.

Background is partially table and partially dome.

None thus far. O_o Wouldn't know how to edit the suckers. :0

Neato! I get to spend my evening at a Volbeat concert. And playing lots of Malifaux this weekend too. D&D on Saturday as well. Busy busy busy.

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Alright....well, Shine might yell at me for my setup, but it works well so far. I use a daylight bulb, which has a different kind of shell around it that doesn't alter the light as much. Behind the model, I use a sheet of white paper. I don't worry too much about the colors when the camera takes the photo, because after that I use GIMP and use the white balance feature. That's all I do, and it's remarkably accurate to the model colors.

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I will have to tinker around with white balancing and some other stuff. I am pretty happy with the results so far. I plan to watermark a corner of the photo as well and then dump them in a DA/tumblr account somewhere for people to view as a gallery.

I do have Paint.NET. I should be able to use it to edit photos as well. Cba to download more stuff. lol

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oof, sounds like a rough day at work. cheetos sound good though.

VOLBEAT! \o/ I like them. they're fun.

I use photoshop, for photo editing, but it's awfully expensive. I have it for my illustrating and digital drawing as well. my cousin uses a free photo editor though, I'll see if I can't get a hold of him and find out what it's called. Editing photos is all a matter of experimenting and practice. youtube will have "how to" vids too ;)

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Ed, if he quibbles with your set up, point to the results. There's no cheating in art, just results.... unless you're not using archival materials in which case shame on you because it's not going to last.

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

hm, well, if you've got something that works, then I won't bother my cousin. certainly won'tbother him tonight! it's late. sheesh. I'm going to bed, g'night, see ya'll either late friday, or saturday. got a date tomorrow! \o/ of sorts, anyway. going to see the new star trek with a friend.

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yeah, mom wanted to go with me, but my sisters wedding has wiped her bank account for the next hundred years so she can't. I might treat her to it sometime this weekend. maybe sunday afternoon. her and dad.

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------

for iron man I mean...

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------


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