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Ah, they're up on http://malifaux.com/Downloads.php

I've got articles in the Chronicles, volumes 4 and 5. And in a few weeks, one in volume 6 too...

---------- Post added at 10:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

Big thing I need is some superglue, I just started drilling the maruts' first arm to pin it, and a lack of glue is giving me some minor problems with that!

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I tried that. But everyone I tried to buy blasted superglue with a needle nozzle from was out. Meeple, ninja...

---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ----------

Generic superglue, tis good for gluing bits together. Fingers mostly, though I hear tales of people actually assembling metal models with it.

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I thought it was great. I look forward to seeing where they take it next though.

is there anyone else we need to worry about spoilers for...?

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 PM ----------

Also, black is very useful, essential even, as the background for the color fields is black...

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No idea, probably safer to not go into details...

It was a good episode, I just can't resolve it in my head until I see the mess he's about to make in the special!

---------- Post added at 01:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 AM ----------

And in case ed appears sometime soon, I'm wondering if he's seen this:

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~sigh~ fine... I won't go into details. there's no one around here I can discuss it with, though...

my littlest sister is still on season 6 and she's the only whovian around. as soon as I say the word "doctor" my parents' eyes glaze over, and everyone else I know gives me a blank look.

OH! I really like her... She's a great violinist. She played with Pentatonix too.

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Yeah, the one with Pentatonix was the song Ed used to get me into her music. I have her album, and I reckon it gets the most playtime of anything these days!

And I found out she was playing in Toronto too late to sort out going the other month...

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according to her facebook updates, she's in Russia at the moment. Might be a while before she's back here. Not that I'm keeping an eye out or anything :-P

Hum, tonight seems to have dragged horribly since I finished eating. How's life down there?

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Yeah, coulda been better. Oh well. Not at work, that's something to be liked in its own way, regardless of the reason.

Dammit GW... you had one last chance with me with the Eldar. One last chance. And you bastards pulled it off. >.<

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Yeah, it is.

The problem with the Eldar is that I own stuff already...so I'm already partly there on an army, lol. And I really want to try painting up an army in yellow and purple for some reason now.

---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ----------

And yep, going to try to keep the sleep pattern intact as much as possible...probably going to fail.

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That colour scheme to me will forever be linked to scooby doo. Still a good scheme though, nothing should be ashamed of being linked to scooby doo!

Just so long as you don't want to take an army to GenCon, or we'll have to leave shine behind! Lol

---------- Post added at 04:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 AM ----------

Well, I think it's time for another song. So without further ado here comes a wizard riding a dragon who's going to land here on stage...

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