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Off Topic Playground

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I do t know whether to laugh, cry, or smash something. I just found out what I have to do to get an ID badge for the hospital labs. It involves four forms, an interview, another form, then a full health screening and respiratory test, then another form, and then a final meeting...

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It's somewhat ridiculous to require so much messing about (oh, and two of the people I have to see only have office hours tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon, for about two hours each time). Especially when half the time, they can't get the ID cards set up right once yet eventually give you one!

Edited by Mako
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I want to do the base as a forest scene, with trees and undergrowth and such. For the models, I've got five of them to mess about with.




Have two of the Hailkin facing off with the male elf, and have the female elf jumping backwards away from the third of them. Do up the base in such a way that where the Hailkin are, the grass is dying/frozen instead of healthy and green. Also, try to get some arrows in one of the Hailkin and paint it up like it's cracked where the arrow is.

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Absolutely. I'm more excited about this one than the other, it lets me really practice some new techniques. I'm looking forward to seeing your Maruts, honestly!

Of course, at this rate I might not end up doing anything for the Brawl, LOL. I think going with Raspy as my crew might be a good idea just because I have so little to paint!

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Yeah, I've been pondering the brawl. And the number of entries I might try to do. The Maruts, the dio, maybe a sculpt for that category.

A sculpt? Oooo...just keep in mind the size restriction. 4 inches cubed isn't a lot.

And I definitely will be putting up WIP pics, for feedback if nothing else.

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Ooh, she says she's not mad. Just very laterally inventive.

<.< >.>

A dragon, made of flowers. Might be too much work for the timescale given everything else though. But the other big option was teh medusa bust I was doing, and that's probably as much work!

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