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Am I supposed to have done anything to prepare? If there's something I should do, just bump me a list and I'll sort it out. I may be at home a lot this week. No point being n the lab if I'm ill, people doing that are why I'll have caught something!

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I'll let you know if I think of anything, but I'm not sure.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

Oh, actually, there is something. Have your character ready to go, along with gear, just so that we don't have to mess with that.

And if you want to work on stuff not for Saturday but for later, I've got a short list of stuff I want from you guys before we get going on the campaign proper. Motivations for your character, some people from the past (rivals and allies), stuff like that.

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Im off Sat! But I won't be available till 7ish EST? Is that ok?

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

Id really like to do one of these things i signed up for lol

That's fine, we'll probably get going around 8pm EST. Yeah, I know the feeling, it'll be good to get to really start at it with things.

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That sounds like a plan. Yeah, feel free to do whatever. I will say that I'm thinking of giving the combat stuff some more runs over the social interactions, so plan for that.

---------- Post added at 10:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

You want a non campaign character Ed?

I think that would work better. Expect a PM with a few more details, cause I just had a thought.

---------- Post added at 10:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------

And PMs sent out. Looking forward to this!

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Wait. Who would like to see? Me, or Shine?

You. The one you mentioned as being worth checking out. Lol

Oh, blast. I was gonna take tomorrow off, and I have to go to the hospital labs in the morning. No lie in for me!

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Dunno why, but so super damn sleepy. Literally almost falling asleep here at work. Just turned on some Royal Republic at a loud volume to get awake. lol

How about you?

Off night shift, then?

---------- Post added at 10:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 PM ----------

You. The one you mentioned as being worth checking out. Lol

O.o Either I'm missing part of this conversation because of past information that I can't remember, or I'm supposed to be supplying info...

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They're okay. Nothing really exciting at work, sadly. Trying to finish up homework and such. The usual. Looking forward to next week being no school until August. Woot! Hoping to start painting again once that's done.

Gotten anymore done on those Showgirls?

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Oh neat. Summer break? :D

I gotta get back into painting more regularly. Only getting one to tops two models done a week. Would like to get back to 3-4 a week. Might just go all out Gremlin, since those critters do not take long for me to paint. :D

I only have started working on a Mannequin. Will finish her up and then decide either grems or gals.

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One or two a week? Heh, I roughly guess at one or two weeks for one. If I get lots of time...

---------- Post added at 04:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 AM ----------

Oh, and Bleach, I do some work in the hospital lab facilities. I'm not there as a patient. Lol

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Yeah. I like to get models done regularly. Especially now since I want to tinker around with more complex crews. So I wanna get as many models done asap so I can not be a jerk and play with unpainted models. lol

You sit on a model for endless hours Mako. I do not have the patience nor the skill at the time to devote myself to a single model. Though, in the end your models are perfect. >.>



Okay. lol Almost thought you were gonna be a test subject. xD

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