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Yeah. The two primary are going to be Captain Canada and Von Konrad. Might try reposing his arm so that the pistol isn't aimed in the air. I'm going to focus on those two before I touch anything else. I like the idea of her shield bashing a tank to get at him. And I also like the idea of other soldiers in support of each of them, it's just a case of figuring out if I do a tank or something else, and if I do get a tank, what do I get.

The problem with that 14" restriction is that I'm doing 54mm scale, a tank at that size has the potential to be very big!

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 PM ----------

oooh the pharoah dragon is pretty sweet too


G'night, Mako!

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One post! Or maybe five. Go make some comments in the writing forum or something! lol

---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------

Woot! The tank I was looking at is about 6 inches long. Looks like Captain Canada is going to be hitting a tank!

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nah, no need. pm's serve just fine. I'm goig to bed. i've been falling asleep for the last hour.

---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------

i found a dragon on reaper for $3. yes please! next weekend I will order a couple models from there. I have literally no money right now... mom took rent and phone and insurance in one go! and I had to fill up my car...

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It was pretty good. Lost the LCG tourney by a lot (only killed two objectives as the Rebel player all tourney, and that's how Rebels win... bad luck combined with a deck I wasn't confident would work, lol) but it was still a good amount of win and I walked out with prizes anyway.

What'd they think of the rules?

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Eek! That's quite a bit, holy cow.

---------- Post added at 01:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

Hopefully you can get through them quick and get on to something more interesting. Any idea what you'll work on next?

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Woah, sweet...that works out well.

---------- Post added at 03:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 AM ----------

Still too many models to paint for my liking, though, lol.

Oh, did you see the Wave 3 announcements for X-wing?

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From the Dark Forces games, actually. Which is proof that they got the EU license, which is going to be awesome. E-wings and TIE Defenders, here we come!

Anyway, ruleswise the Advanced Proton Torpedoes need a lock-on, and let you count three blank results as eyeballs instead. Normally, that's neat but not helpful, because you'd need to target lock and focus. Kyle Katarn lets you pass off a Focus token from his ship to a friendly ship. Going to be nasty.

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