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Unless I miss my guess, he's talking about HAWK wargames, which produces Dropzone Commander.

---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

And yeah, Mako's quite right- once you're not worried about playing games, there's a whole world of awesome out there.

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that's what pre-paid cards of some kind are for...helps limit what you can do...

---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------

And yeah, my wallet is hurting now just based on predictions, lol.

Gotten that griffin done yet, Chris?

---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

Oh, and Mako got post 49k... just over 900 to go till we hit 50k posts...

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I think Sophie and I did the official handover of power a while ago. I was definitely not in charge at the show in London.

My wallet was crying at the probable Wyrd spend. When I factored in DzC and boutique stuff I see on the way past, it curled up and started rocking back and forth muttering 'I can only get so empty' over and over.

Paint the silly bloke first, then you'll have your eye in for the bit that's nicer.

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They're surprisingly tough too lol. Dave did a demonstration when being interviewed, he took one of the gate ships with all it's lovely delicate vanes on, and flung it at a wall. Not a scratch on it. Or on the wall lol.

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you must have missed my rant on citadel paints, ed.

Hey now, just because some elements of the line are silly (drybrush paints? Really?!) doesn't stop the fact that there are parts of the line that are decent. Or at least used to be...

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I didn't expect you to be interested in 10mm scale scifi, no. As far as the Shaltari being the ones you would pick, that's not surprising in the least.

---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------

Actually, that reminds me, I had a diorama I was working on. Should get back to that sometime when I get a moment. I've got several UCM infantry recut and posed...

That going to be your project for the painting comp?

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Heh, that's true Chris. This is very much a case of assume makes an ass of me, and me alone, LOL. Well, once you get comfortable painting (still recommend Reaper as a company to start with, they're cheap and good quality...$5 minis!) you might swing on over to the more pricey stuff. Or I can get you a walker for Christmas, lol. You've already got your birthday presents *wink*.

Yeah, I really think that I'm going to do a diorama for my entry, using Captain Canada and Von Konrad. Not sure about anything else being in it, the idea of Cap using her shield to bludgeon aside a German tank is entertaining as hell, but if I do that, I absolutely need an airbrush to get that painted.

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Aye, start simple and not massively pricey. Reaper, hasslefree, stuff like that. There's some really nice stuff in their lines.

Oh, I checked the rules for the contest ed, they're up here: http://www.genconminipainting.com/mhe/?q=node/6

Seems its $2 per entry, with various categories and size limits. I'd probably be looking at single or large figure for the Maruts, and dio for the DzC one.

I wish I didn't know that there'd be a GenCon deal on the hawk stand, but I might end up accidentally getting it. Don't even know what it is, but I'll have been standing near it a lot lol

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Well, that settles that...me doing any new minis games is out until after Gencon. I've got a diorama to make! Now I just need to figure out the bit about the tank...wonder how big those kits are, I've only got 14" to mess about with in any direction...

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14 inches is quite a lot! (Ooo-err *wink*)

Ahem. That aside, story is the killer one in dio. Spacing, pose and layout usually make that one. So I always found it easiest to set up the models I knew I wanted, then build little vignettes of others that could be fitted on as groups. If you run out of space, you can leave some off, without losing that central story.

---------- Post added at 04:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 AM ----------

Ok, this is gonna be a really long week, so I'm hitting the sack I think. Catch everyone later!

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