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yeah,.. corporate expectations are unrealistic.

Almost always. Same for the public sector, too. My division is undergoing radical changes- I have a new manager starting tomorrow because they are splitting our team up (we just found out about this today, mind you), and several of the permanent folks are not happy because this is going to create a lot of extra work for little or no benefit. They need to just fire the people who suck in the one region having problems (not mine- we were overall the best region, actually).

The permanent tech in my office says the new manager doesn't hold a candle to our old one. I'd believe it- my old manager is great. Truly easy to work for and actually cares about us.

teleportation is probably one of my favorite powers. otherwise, if I get to choose,.. I'd take dark force manipulation. (shadow crafting) I think the ability to create tangible shadows is awesome. And if you can travel that way,.. (step into a shadow in one spot and out of a shadow somewhere else) that's just plain bad-ass,..

Somebody's a Lasombra fan from Old World of Darkness ;)

Just give me invulnerability. One good thing about 90s comics is that they explored the limitations of such a power- what if you were nigh unkillable but otherwise completely useless, for example?

20 in 95, eh? I was 19 myself :)

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

Also, playing Malifaux on Vassal is tricky. It would be a great platform for Kings of War, but apparently everyone playing that online is using something called Universal Battle instead.

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Kali-ma, shok ti deh! Bali mahkdi, Kali-ma....

"Mola Ram, Mola Ram, Mola Ram, Suda Ram" <dum dum>

OK, Temple of Doom was cheesy but it's still fun to watch.

And yes, Vassal will let us play each other! I need to get a Skype account so I can talk while playing.

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It has a few good moments but those are usually when Indy is on his own, which isn't often. Otherwise it's nothing but Wily screaming and Short Round never shutting up. He should be put in the thunderdome with Jar Jar and whoever survives gets thrown to the dogs as the following night's entertainment.

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...it's sad because it's true... >.<

---------- Post added at 04:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 AM ----------

And this is what makes Last Crusade great... Sean Connery, the completely naive professor... 'Look what you did!'

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