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The big one I'm grappling with is actually pretty central to the whole story... Why the world war? Not the conspiracy behind it, that's pretty easy. But I've got three countries in this giant war, two of the three are neighbors and the lost one is on the other side of the globe. So why the heck is Assar involved in it all anyway? Which has created some interesting things to develop out, although I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the answer just yet. Then there's other questions of why things progressed this way instead of that...

and the ever fun one, does a Victrixan protagonist even need to be in this story at all? And if I do need one, how do I get past the bloody siege that I started, because it's slowing the whole damn book!

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Honestly, as I'm working this out, I think Victrix has to be there. It provides me too much leverage in terms of background plot and present plot. The journals, for one thing, I can't come up with a better way to introduce them. And the whole creation of Drasvar is dependent on the idea of Victrix's Witch Wars...a situation that the conspiracy would have a grudge over themselves. So, I think the better angle is to ruthlessly examine the siege itself. It's taking too much of the book for something that isn't going to be that vital in the long run. I'm working out some ways of doing that, I'll pitch them to you as soon as I've got it figured out.

How was archery, by the by?

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I think my local spring server is having hardware problems. Random seasons being returned each day.

---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 PM ----------

Woohoo, my Games and Gears brushes have arrived. That should keep me going for a few years/decades.

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Ooh, fancy double-ended brushes. Their sci-fi terrain has got some of our local players interested...

Hopefully the Deadzone Kickstarter's terrain will help undo the bad rep Mantic has in our store (the Abyssal Dwarves are a nightmare to assemble, and our owner was upset that instead of developing Kings of War further, Mantic launched Warpath).

Looks like it's Mighty Armies and maybe some painting tonight, and I am submitting an article for the next Mantic fanzine.

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