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Some of them do. Most of the ones I've been a part of haven't, though, which I find odd.

Regardless, I'm gonna use Paypal as a savings account anyway. Set aside the money there, transfer it back later. Probably going to do something similar for Gencon too, to make life easier.

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School and life, sadly. Got a story up for the Quill, but that's the last time I've done any creative writing for a while. I have some ideas for stuff, but had a realization that this project would be a lot easier if I knew what the themes of the story were, rather than just the genre and the plot, lol. In the meantime, I do have some ideas, just need to get them down on paper, gonna try to do some writing tomorrow night if I can.

---------- Post added at 05:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 AM ----------

Also, still trying to figure out gender of the next character I want to introduce...

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Hey y'all. How's things? I'm hoping to finish my gryphon today, but these guys have really limited paint selection and not a whole lot of mixing options. Dunno how I'm gonna shade or highlight. I'll post pics, but I don't promise anything awesome. It's also not mine, so I can't take it home.

Also: citadel paints SUCK! And the brushes.... Oh goodness the brushes... Three of them are the same size and shape, but because one says "detail brush" another says "starter brush" and the third says "basecoat brush" they bought all three and freaked out when I wanted to use one for an unintended purpose. How in the blue blazes does GW get away with this garbage?!

---------- Post added at 07:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 AM ----------

It's a paint brush!

---------- Post added at 07:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 AM ----------

Ahem. So, mako, and anyone else I suppose. Where do you recommend I get brushes at sane prices without these wallet gouging shenanigans? Besides my local art store. Those brushes are pricy too... Most of them.

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Hi bow (bowie, bcww?).

I have to admit that almost all of my paints are still citadel from about 4 different generations of pots. But the brushes are rubbish.

---------- Post added at 02:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

If you were UK based I'd say try here www.rosemaryandco.com, I got some nice kolinsky sable ones and I'm a cheapskate.

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Lol someone on here called me chika earlier, that works fine. :)

Sorry if I offended you, if the citadel paints work for you, more power to you. I understand a lot of people, my cousin and his buddy included, really like them for the same reasons I hate them. I was trained with acrylics and oils. I like more control of color consistency, and coverage. That's all.

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Rosemary and co brushes, and Vallejo paint. That's my personal preference, though they don't behave like artists acrylics do! I have used those on models too, I admit.

Finally finished travelling! Now I get to chill for an hour or two before wedding chaos begins.

I got a big bonus deal cos I ended up working for hawk during the day, so I now possess the UCM and PHR starter armies with their custom cases. And the rulebook (signed, cos It made us laugh) And a KR backpack with a single full case of foam for malifaux and such. Oh, and dead justice from panda *grin*

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Total chaos and running about, but yeah it was good fun. Saw some old friends, got some shiny toys, and another little card that says I was a finalist lol.

And I now possess a hawk Wargames tshirt and will be helping them out for some of GenCon, it seems. Not sure how I ended up agreeing to that! Lol

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

Ooh, and I managed to get upgraded on the flight over. That was fun too.

How's things been here, while I've trekked across the globe and arrived with close to twice as much luggage as I set off with?

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Glad you made it there, safe! enjoy your couple hours to breathe lol. I'll be traveling again in a few hours, I do NOT want to go home. I got to go galloping on the beach yesterday. Horseback riding was one of my favorite things when I was a kid. I loved it. I still do, there just hasn't been much opportunity for me to do much with it since I moved. I think I will look a little harder though...

do the acrylics work well mako? I have a whole bunch of those so if I can hold off buying paint for a while I wouldn't complain. I'll look into those brushes.

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They're a bit tricky, you kind of need to thin them massively and work in tons of thinner layers. But it can be done, and if you know how to use them then it's probably worth starting with those, since you have them!

Can always pick up a few miniature paints some point if you can't get the acrylics to play nice, try them out. The big ones are GW (not my choice either), P3, Vallejo, and reaper master series.

Ooh, horses. Evil things...

---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------

Oh yeah, and if you paint large scale stuff (75mm tall or bigger, there's some lovely 1/10 or 1/6 scale busts out there) then oils can be absolutely stunning. I know a couple of pieces that are smaller scale (the same as that gryphon you have, if it's the warhammer elf one) that were done with oils, but avoiding them clogging the details is the tricky bit I'm told.

Still, if you're good with them already, that saves a lot of swearing! Lol

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I backed out of Rex because of money concerns, which I'm okay with. When the game comes out, I'll look into it once again, although my enthusiasm for it dimmed somewhat as time went on. But odds are I'll pick up some of the models for the fun of painting them regardless.

Why did it dim? Too many crazy monsters?

I backed it at the 10 fighter level. The GF and I are splitting it in half, with me getting Lupa aka Taelor's ancient Roman cousin :) After seeing the gameplay demo it looks like it will be a great quick game, not to mention one easier to teach to newbies. I've been looking for something just a bit more complex than Song of Blades and Heroes and I think Arena Rex will fit the bill nicely.

Steam, you will have enough for 3 people to play. Of course, the hard part is getting people to try it. I have enough Alkemy for 4 players, yet I've gotten exactly one other person to try it out (other than the GF, who loves it).

Regardless, I'm gonna use Paypal as a savings account anyway. Set aside the money there, transfer it back later. Probably going to do something similar for Gencon too, to make life easier.

I'd recommend not doing that for too long. At the least, don't sell with that account. I'm totally biased, though- the Paypal concept is great, but I don't like the way they do business. Unfortunately, they're the only show in town.

Also: citadel paints SUCK! And the brushes.... Oh goodness the brushes... Three of them are the same size and shape, but because one says "detail brush" another says "starter brush" and the third says "basecoat brush" they bought all three and freaked out when I wanted to use one for an unintended purpose. How in the blue blazes does GW get away with this garbage?!

Preach it, sister. My ancient second and third gen GW paints still work. The newer ones? Dried out within a year. You'd be better off buying cheap synthetics at Michael's than using the Citadel brushes.

I tried the Army Painter Wargamer brushes- they aren't Windsor and Newton or DaVinci or Rosemary and Co. level, but you can get a set for the price of one of those and they are solid for the beginner. If you get into this hobby in earnest, you can always upgrade.

I'm weird though- for anything but basecoating and some pathetic attempts at blending, I seem to do better with synthetics.

As for paint, Vallejo is excellent and has a wide variety of colors. Reaper is also excellent and has triads (base, shade, highlight) for easy lights and shadows. Army Painter Warpaints might be a good choice since you're use to mixing colors anyway- you can get their entire 36 paint range and a full set of brushes for $99.

I promise, I don't work for Army Painter- just very happy with their products.

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Do you find that Vallejo paints dry out quickly? I use a wet palette and still have issues with my Vallejo's drying out on the brush somewhere between the palette and the mini.

I don't have near this issue with P3 or (shudder) GW paints. However, i think gw look flat and P3 are chalky when you water them down as much as i try to.

Following many of you, i have learned the ways of using very thin coats and building layers. :D

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It seems like all of my paints dry too quickly, haha. I tend to use flow medium to help with this- I tried drying retarder once but I think I mixed it too strong and the paint ended up with a gooey consistency.

It's not even funny how much better even my terrible work looks when doing 2 lighter coats instead of one heavy coat.

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