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Eh. I've got a paper due today and no inspiration for it at all... Would much rather be working on my Tohaa and finishing them up... keep getting distracted by the Aleph Army Builder. Well, rather, I keep letting my self be distracted by it, lol.

Dunkin Donuts is in Germany? O.o Sweet!

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What all Tohaa do you have?

I picked up the starter that diplomat chick and the sniper dude. I have never played the game, so I do not know if it is a viable force to play with yet. lol

Mine are getting painted directly after my Bushido warbands. Will probably take until mid/late March for me to get there, but it will eventually come around. :3

(Are they any good? lol I only picked them up because I liked their look.)

Yeah it is pretty cool. Nummy donuts. :3

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

Hello Vicky. :D

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I've only played two games with my Tohaa, but really like their play style. I've got everything except for the Gao-Rael with the Spitfire and the Spec-Ops models. Would really recommend the Makaul, those smoke grenades are awesome and extremely handy. (even better than I thought, I played them wrong and got half my army wiped out because of it... make sure you read the Zero-Vis Smoke Grenade rules) I think that they're very viable, and the Fireteam Tohaa thing is a neat rule that I like a lot. Probably going to be spoiled by link teams because of it...

Congrats on getting the paper done, Victoria. What was the class?

---------- Post added at 03:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 AM ----------

Tohaa are evil fish vampires to be subjugated under the iron rule of the dual dynasties of YuJing.

Or flat out killed by the Mercs for Hire of Qapu. Depending on mood. Evil fish vampires....

I've been hearing artichokes a lot locally, lol. But evil fish vampire sounds like fun!

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Hmm. Well once I get them all painted up I might pick up the other models to mess around with.

I did order a nice and tall 54mm miniature. Seeing this Mako craziness, I want to see how good I really am. I only really paint TT quality and not anything as beautiful as Mako does. Kind of lit a little competitive side in me. Though I will never be as good. Just wanna see my limits...

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