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You and your custom sets...

Actually, I'm intending to take some of my tax refund and invest in some of the really nice and fancy stuff... So I'm going to be spending a lot of money on terrain in the next couple weeks. By the time this is done, I should end up with about three tables worth of Infinity density terrain... I hope, lol.

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First thing I'd purchase after an Infinity starter would be print and play cargo containers. Print enough and you've got plenty of terrain, albeit same-ish. Build from there.

I think I'm going to keep it small for the Warzone starter- a Dark Legion starter box, perhaps, or maybe one of the small troop boxes plus a PDF of the full rules.

Why am I awake? I sat down to make a few more warbands for Song of Blades and Heroes and it's 1:30 AM....

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Argh, Hamelin and Nix featured in my dream this night... That was odd...

Any of you guys ever dream about Malifaux?


And you don't want to know anymore, it involed pandora

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

Also new person

*starts poking the new person*

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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I was thinking of playing Ariadna for Infinity, the Metro sectorial force to be precise. Somehting like:

5 Metros (1 HMG)

4 Briscards (1 Sniper)

1-4 Loup-Garou

I love these models and the overall flavour of Aridana (being Scottish I'm obliged to do the Highlanders too). Unfortunately the Metro starter isn't too appealing.

The thing I can't wrap my head round is the Lieutenant thing. Why can I have my lowest ranking model as the "leader" of my force. Apart from characters is there any real structure to a force other than the usual limits on certain units and weapons? I understand the basic fluff and rules, but I can't get my head around the who and why of an army.

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Basically having the LT be a big tough guy is great for keeping him alive, until your opponent realizes thats what you did and focuses all their hate on your Captain Toughguy. Making your LT a metro in a group of metros makes it very hard to snipe him out.

For further example, lets say I take Sun Tze as my LT in Yu Jing. he adds all kinds of cool bonuses for being my leader, but by the very act of taking those bonuses Im revealing my LT to my opponent.

In my Kapu list for Haq my leader is 1 of 4 Druze mercenaries AND one of my models uses holo-imaging to look like another one until he attacks. So 1 in 5 chance of guessing correctly, assuming you even knew thats where I put my LT (I change it up on occasion to prevent being meta-gamed)

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I sort of understand why you would want to hide your Lt, based on what I know of the rules. But in terms of the narrative, I don't know the explaination for why the factions are so scared of assassination that they promote their most common soldiers to lead their forces. I mean in Warmachine losing your leader ends the game, so you'd think they'd have a good reason to do that. While Infinity is more realistic and less "I'm in charge that means I iz hardest!" ala GW, it still strikes me as odd that it would have a mechanic that realies on you to make an illogical decision narrative wise to gain logical gameplay advantages. Unless I'm missing something?

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Ah, perhaps you're thinking a bit too much in terms of more points = higher up the chain?

A ninja may be 50 points, but thats covering their equipment and such. The points dont necessarily show any sort of military rank. That metro may only be 6 points, but maybe its better to think of the LT metro as a 20 year campaign veteran. Although still only equipped with metro gear, their ability to lead a force would not necessarily be shown in their points cost.

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I suppose that's where I got confused. Comparing a Highlander Rifle, a Highlander Grey Rifle and a Caledonian Mormaer, you automatically view them in a ranked format; it's certainly hard to imagine the former ordering the latter regardless of experience. It's not so much that a more powerful unit should hold a higher rank, but that the leader should have particular training that sets them apart (i.e. a unit that is designed to be a leader).

I suppose this is one of those things where I'm so used to how other games have done it (Malifaux has Masters, Warmachine has Warcasters, and there are always Leaders, Bosses, HQ Choices regardless of the game), that seeing a game that does it differently takes some getting used to. I usually like to distinguish the leader, give them a proper story, not hide them and change their appearance every now and then ;)

Then again, I suppose I could use it to my advantage, go all Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy... I'm starting to like this idea =D

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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Speaking of Infinity, I got in my first game... Lots of fun. Brutal game.i

Who versus who? Also how did you deal with the whole Lt thing? =]

I might have to make my Infinity purchase soon; I'll see if anyone near me plays it first though.

Looking forward to Darklands... going to wait till Warzone and Wild West Exodus hit retail before picking them up... Dystopian Legions... meh... Hell Dorado... pretty hard to get info on...

Anyone got any opinion of Carnevale. The way BoW keep harping on about it made me look into it and while I don't think the models are quite as great as some people say, I grew quite attached to the Rashaar (I seem to be going through a rather fishy phase atm). The thing that attracts me and puts me off in equal measure is the board; I feel obliged to do a proper Ventian board, but that'd be a lot of work for a pretty niche board.

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