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That reminds me, I really need to read your story. I also feel somehow obliged to read everyone's stories on the Writing Room, and provide my usual "constructive" criticism. Maybe reading other people's stories is an excuse to not write my own, or maybe I hate the idea of never receiving feedback so much I'll be damned if anyone else suffers the same fate.

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Yeah it can be hard, whether it's thinking of something nice to say about a really bad story or something that could be improved on in a really good one (think I'll have that problem with you edonil). I'm far from a grammar nazi so I aren't too good at that, while you have to be able to accomodate people's individual style. That said, from my experience playtesting Puppet Wars, saying anything is 10x more useful than nothing, and so often listing your basic thoughts and reactions form the most insightful opinions. But what I didn't expect was that people's positive reactions to my feedback would make me less confident about posting my own work, like it might taint my "credability". Obviously I'm super confident in my work =D

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Painting has more objective guidelines than writing does...

'Thin your paints'

'Try this color, the one you have isn't working'

'If you're doing freehand, try this mix'

'This is the recipe for this color'

and so on and so forth. Writing...well, writing doesn't work like that. Sure, you've got grammar...but one of the things about writing in English is that good grammar doesn't equal good writing.

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Thanks a lot Dustcrusher, now I've got Warzone to worry about on top of Wild West Exodus. Even though I'm now limiting myself to straight pledge levels (no extras), I still can't resist the lure of a new game and miniature range =P

Warzone is a classic. To me it was like 40k 2nd had grown up just enough to be more interesting and slightly deeper, but not so much as to ruin the fun and lose all of the twisted sense of humor. I'm liking the other factions but the base Bauhaus troopers look terrible- like low budget sci-fi Stormtrooper wannabes.

Ducal Militia (if they make them) should be more like image 4 in this OP: http://www.lead-adventure.de/index.php?topic=24689.0

The Hussars should be like this: http://www.golden-throne.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6595

Typical game was about 3 squads of 2-10 minis and up to 3 heroes/monsters/vehicles per side. I often played 2 of each per side and had a lot of fun.

If you want to play on the cheap, pledge at one of the cheapest levels (kudos to them for offering the base rules for a single pound), and go here and get this: http://shop.princeaugust.ie/warzone-mutant-chronicles-wargame/warzone-games-expansion-sets/tg2420-1-warzone-mutant-chronicles-bag-of-80-plastic-soldiers/

4 ten man squads of Bauhaus and Imperial, including sergeants and heavy machine guns, for $27 US w/VAT included. They are really, really good for that price (if I ever decided to play 40k Imperial Guard, my troops would be a mix of Necromunda gangs and these guys).

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I don't think I've ever heard of it, but then I was born in 91 and started with 40k 3rd edition; after that there was no chance of me finding any non-GW products. Though I really like the card mechanic that Warzone's got going.

I like the look of the Dark Legion; they have an almost sci-fi Resident Evil vibe. I might get their starter for £30. But then I was thinking about going into Wild West Exodus at $115/£75 (its far better value than the lower tier and gives me enough to demo with). I worked out the financials and I could maybe get away with it, but I'm worried about other expenses (like another kickstarter =P)

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At the moment, plan is to eat some pizza, watch Elementary and paint some more of the Clipsos and the Gao Rael. Got a bunch of electrical boxes and some cork tiles for terrain building while I was out...the boxes are definitely going to need some work to make them 'look' right, but the nice thing is that they're big, bulky and block LOS. Right now, that's all I need. :)

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Yeah, there's a lot to work on... the nice thing is that for about $25 I got 7 varying pieces of terrain, so that's not bad. Plus another $6 for the cork tile, which should hopefully get me two or three good pieces, and I'm making good headway on a board.

I don't have an answer for you on the washers... I just bought extra bases personally.

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