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Morning all, anything exciting happening?

It seems the repair saga of my flat is destined to keep dragging on, the roof doesn't appear to be the problem, now they think it's the guttering and they want to know who to call about it. Which is surely what I pay them to deal with instead of asking me about it...

Bright side it could be cheaper. Maybe

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That's pretty wierd. And annoying I bet. It's bad enough having them take ages to bother telling me the lead looks fine so it's probably the gutter. Not actually finding anything, twice, especially with the weather you've had? I feel for ya man, I really do.

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Wow, I actually just had a fun and productive meeting. I'd forgotten what those were like! By tuesday, I'll be in the lab working away on creating abominations unto... Ahem. I mean, developing benign sciencey things to benefit the world.

<.< >.>

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Hey Ed, how's tricks?

I've made quite a lot of bits of progress today, set up protocols, fixed my printer connection, got things ready to go, and contemplated the fine details of Lady J's pose. Might wander home soon, have basically done everything I can today!

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Today is good. Heading to the shop tonight for the second to last day of the league. Also, going to be ending up with almost all of the Tohaa models that are out...my sister is ordering me everything for them except the Spec Ops piece... >.>

This went out of control quick, lol.

How's that pose coming along?

---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------

And context for her ordering, it's my birthday next week, lol

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Wow, that did go bad fast!

Still, they are some lovely models. Let me know how the game goes, I like simple ones and I never did figure out how much of the rules for infinity were the basic play, and how much extra details and such.

I think I've worked it out, I'll sketch it out very roughly tonight I reckon, see how the symmetry and such works out. It's probably going to be her with the blade in low guard, and drawing a pistol.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------

Ah, sweet, I'll try to remember to wish you happy birthday next week then! lol

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Quick Start Rules

They aren't simple, but not much more complicated than your standard RPG. Granted, the above gets built onto, but their quick reference sheet is incredibly well designed. I think after playing games like Battletech, Malifaux and a lot more RPGs, Infinity seems much simpler than it used to, lol. Especially compared to full rules Battletech, good lord. (rolls eyes)

Keep in mind, with a blade that size, low guard is two hands, not one. It isn't really a sword designed to be wielded with one hand, which is why I think she ended up with a brace of pistols in the rules.

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Dustcrusher, Spartan Games just recently offered the second edition rules of Firestorm Armada as a free download on their site in case you wanted to see if they've fixed the rules to your liking.

Thanks! I need to read this. Hopefully the rules are better written this time. The original rules were disorganized and annoying to read.

Spam spam.

You could get the spam, eggs, toast, and spam. There's not much spam in that.

I opened up the Necromancer from Fenryll a couple of nights ago after letting it sit for a month in storage. Very nicely done resin piece- the feet and base were cut in such a way as to fit together perfectly. I can sit the mini in the cutouts on the base with no glue and it looks like it's glued together. Impressive.

While I will look at them again for special characters for Kings of War or whatnot, looking at the line it's very hit and miss. Some of them look great, and others awful. Maybe they just hired a better painter for their newer figures.

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Keep in mind, with a blade that size, low guard is two hands, not one. It isn't really a sword designed to be wielded with one hand, which is why I think she ended up with a brace of pistols in the rules.

Yeah, that's the bit that I've been messing with in my head. Seeing if I can find a natural pose for it. Not been doing too well with it, the pistol is looking shakier and shakier as I think on. Now I've got home I can use the umbrella to sort out grip and angles a bit better, so I'm toying with basing it on a mid level posture from iai instead of the lower one from ninjutsu. Looks more suitable. I'll probably send you a shot of the sketch, see if you think it works out ok.

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