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Yeah...a big one. That still has me baffled how quickly it grew out of control, lol.

It did kind of go critical, didn't it! Still, we've got the three player rules in the chronicles now so we're sorted. I feel bad for whoev loses the flip and ends up in the middle spot though...

I'm sorry Mako, but you have no choice. We're going to hang out and get sandwiches.

Sounds like a damn good idea to me!

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Nah, went for dinner with my work friend (is it bad there's only one? Lol) and picked my laminator up from him. Rehearsal tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday I think. Play is on the 14th so it gets a bit crazy this coming week!

Shine's taking teddies and dreamer now I think. He keeps changing his mind. We could be in a lot of trouble...

Heh, must be my classical british charm! Lol, couldnt even keep a straight face typing that, good job i didnt have to say it out loud!

One day I might become a henchman too, and then we'll all be in trouble *evil*

---------- Post added at 05:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 AM ----------

How's work tonight?

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Nah, he'll wake up missing the part of his brain that contains Sophie and the painting skills...

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------

Well, this is going to be an interesting next assignment. (headdesk) Write a short paper on how I do note taking.

I don't.

Somehow the above doesn't seem like I'll get a passing grade on it...

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Heh, one of those 'every minute earns me x dollars' nights?

Dinner was good, couple of decent beers and a big burger. Nothing too fancy, but tasty.

Nt sure what to do with the last bits of the evening, do I prep models, paint the last of my costume, or something else...

---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 AM ----------

Heh, you may need to fluff that answer out a bit Ed.

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Yeah...just a little bit of fluff might be important.

Especially since I'm going to get responses of 'oh, but you should really try to!'

Yes people, I made it through 13 years of education without figuring out the most efficient way for me to learn. (rolls eyes) I don't take notes because I don't learn from them, and they distract me from the lecture. I'm ADD- I have distractions enough without adding writing.

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Lol yeah, every time I tried to take notes I ended up with pages of a4 covered in sketches and random drawings. They just don't help really! Mind you, sometimes I do take them these days. But usually they're only barely related to what's actually going on in meetings...

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