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I don't like the designs. I didn't like having to paint Collodi's puppets and I don't want a whole system based on the nasty little things.

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

All I want from the next Dawn of War is simple. I want Epic 40,000.

Did you ever play Final Liberation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Liberation

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I did play Final Liberation, didn't really like it...

I guess what I mean is that while I loved the Dawn of War 2 campaign system, the individual character sergeants and such, the skirmish mode was sadly lacking... much preferred the larger scale of the original Dawn of War games.

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It was no Steel Panthers and you had to put up with rubbish live action cut scenes. But if I saw it cheap on GOG I'd probably pick it up for nostalgia.

---------- Post added at 10:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 AM ----------

Speaking of buying things when cheap:


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That is a especially annoying part of the video game industry, especially for first person shooters either you have a sub-par single-player for a Call of Duty wannabe who's multi-player falls flat anyway or have a great single-player game that has a sub-par multi-player tracked on just so a tick-box can be ticked.

I would have a Dark Angels film myself. :)

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*runs back into the thread* Sorry got distracted, my new Dark Angels Codex arrived in the mail along with the resin bases for my Misaki crew, which itself will be arriving in roughly eight days. *grin*

A Malifaux mini-series would be awesome but I would also like to see a video game as well. Have you seen Joey Berry's Malifaux Tales videos?

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Arrivals all around as my Sedition Wars kickstarter arrived at lunch.

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

And some Kings of War stuff in the post just now. Happy Day!

The weird (Wyrd) part is I also got an envelope from Wyrd with stat cards for the Lucas and Yan Lo boxes. Were there mistakes on the ones that came in the box?

I'll have to compare.

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Arrivals all around as my Sedition Wars kickstarter arrived at lunch.

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

And some Kings of War stuff in the post just now. Happy Day!

The weird (Wyrd) part is I also got an envelope from Wyrd with stat cards for the Lucas and Yan Lo boxes. Were there mistakes on the ones that came in the box?

I'll have to compare.

Apparently there were issues with the stat cards in the box...

if only mine would arrive so I can at least use the wrong cards! I think it's going to be another 6-8 weeks for my cards

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Several mistakes, Yan Lo's box had soul porter listed as five stones, chiaki as dual faction, and didn't have the paths card for Yan. Can't remember what the McCabe ones were, but Nathan's comment was keep these new ones and chuck the others.

In other news, I'm still sat waiting to find out how financially boned I'm going to be :(

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

Hmm, I want a laminator, I've got tons of cards I need to do. Wonder if there's one at work I can borrow for an evening...

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Oh, and how. The condensation issue the tenant has been complaining about is actually (when he sent photos to the agent who sent them to me) a very very obvious roof leak. So far from being a niggling little problem to try to sort out at our convenience, it's a major repair that needs doing ASAP...

Heh, well soon I'll have the modeltracker finished so you can update easier in future *wink*

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A lot, and not much. The guild crew are in cleanup and prep, and I have two harpies still to sculpt as well as a female student of conflict for a friend. But I'm not really getting on with any of it. I also have a bunch of other stuff like my sisters wedding gift to paint, which isn't happening either...

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