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Mako's problem is his track record with women! Specifically the last ones I've actually dated. Being played for a total fool and mucked about does not encourage one to actually get involved in future! Lol

Just got to edit photos and put them up now...

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Mako's problem is his track record with women! Specifically the last ones I've actually dated. Being played for a total fool and mucked about does not encourage one to actually get involved in future! Lol

Just got to edit photos and put them up now...

I know how that feels. Had a big on and off thing with a girl for a bit over a year. Was never clear if anything would really develop. It didn't turn out in my favor. But alas, I still have hope that the Mrs. Right is out there for me. Surely she is out there for you too. :D

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Honestly, all I want is some pleasant company that I don't work with! Anything beyond that isn't really my choice, so the coffee invite is basically all I'm interested in. And yet I'm still dragging my heels.

Just ask her out for some coffee. If it develops from there, good for you! Maybe you will change your stance on those things once you get to know her more. :)

---------- Post added at 08:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

Lol, harpy doesn't come close to what the last one was like! It was impressively messy. And got so convoluted and screwed up that my mother had to ask her to stop calling my parents to chat...

Ahh, those were the days *grin*

Shove that crap under the rug and move onward! You can do it!

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I think we can tell where Bleach lands on the optimist/pessimist scale... *grin*

He's right, though, Mako. Worst that happens is you have some pleasant company for a while and nothing comes from it.

Gotta be an optimist in this world. lol

I know its not easy for guys like us to get into this kind of stuff. Hobbies and time spent on them kind of prevents from doing anything really social and meeting new people. I have found a good balance for this, though.

Since my working hours are totally nasty, I tend to most of my hobby stuff during the weekdays and in return spend most of my weekend hanging out with friends and going out to have some fun. Sometimes I even have to force myself to go out, even though I am not in the mood. In 90% of the cases it was well worth it. :D

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Well the current plan is to have her go as the fourth member of our group to the cinema. Mate and his girlfriend are going to see the hobbit with me since I've not seen it yet. when he asked she said she might go. But we shall see.

Aaanyway, the nonexistent fiasco that is my personal life aside, whats everyone up to this weekend? Anything fun?

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Raclett is cheese. Basically what such an evening contains is a mini oven you put onto the table and you have little pan like dishes, in which you put various foods covered in a nice and thick slice of raclett cheese. Half a year later the food is warmed up and you can eat it.

It is slow and tedious, but good for social interaction.

---------- Post added at 08:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------

Involves melting the top of a massive block of cheese, scraping the gooey layer off and eating it with other tasty morsels. As far as I remember anyway...

That is cheese fondue. :D

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