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Yeah, that colour choice could be entertaining. Colour theory (my version of it anyway lol) says yellow with a hint of green, desaturated to about 60% grey, and mid/pale. But colour theory ain't always right, and in this case I don't know that it would be the best option at all!

Might have to paint some splodges on paper and hold them next to him to see what works!

---------- Post added at 07:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------

Evening bleach!

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------

Ooh, Ed, how about bonewhite with camo green details for some of it?

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Doing good, I guess. Finished two models yesterday, so I am slowly catching up with my painting. Otherwise peachy.

Kind of ticked off at German postal services. Apparently they are super backlogged in deliveries. I got a package yesterday that was sent to me on the seventh. Another package sent by the same person on the same day wasn't with that package. I must say, these delays are slowly ****ing me off. Some packages have been en route for over three weeks when it shouldn't take longer than a week.

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Heh, at least you have that one!

Hmm, do I stay up a few more hours to finish the harpy, then make the mould box so I can pour it tomorrow morning. Or do I stop and make the mould box tomorrow night...

---------- Post added at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 AM ----------

That's a long delay, I got a package sent from England on the 7th today!

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How tired am I, or how tired is Sophie? Lol.

I'm tired, but not really sleepy. Though I might be tired enough to mess up if I try to sculpt more, so maybe it's best to stop. I really should just accept I won't have it painted for Sunday and just finish it and pour the mould on Thursday. Will still be able to cast it in time probably, but not paint it.

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How tired am I, or how tired is Sophie? Lol.

I'm tired, but not really sleepy. Though I might be tired enough to mess up if I try to sculpt more, so maybe it's best to stop. I really should just accept I won't have it painted for Sunday and just finish it and pour the mould on Thursday. Will still be able to cast it in time probably, but not paint it.

Probably safer that way...

So, Bleach, figure out what happened to the address problem yet?

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Customs seems to be a bit of a wild card wherever you go, things can take ages to get here or can arrive fast. Same back in England, and same in Germany it seems!

That's going to be awesome about GenCon this year if I go, I'll be able to get stuff without long waits and postage fees!

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Not sure, he's got to factor in work, money, and his lady. Makes it trickier.

I can just say I'm not coming to work for a few days, the money I'll just sing loudly so I don't notice the costs, and I don't have a lady to please (despite my workmate encouraging me to chase his cousin...)

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No response from Wyrd yet. I am sure all of the German buyers have been bombarding them for the past weeks. And Australians too.

I must say, if I do not get my box before the official release, I will be super annoyed. I ordered it over a month ago. I actually think they will send the package back to Wyrd. It is what happened to a package I ordered from the states on eBay. The seller had the same address on it and German customs could not identify the receiver. Neither as a single person nor as a company. I let my packages get delivered to work and my family's company is on large industrial grounds. Nobody lives here but only works. *sigh*

This is really depressing. :/

Usually German customs aren't this slow. I often get packages from the UK within 3-4 business days. Now it is turning to 10 business days... -__-

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I haven't got a clue what she thinks of the hobby lol. I Met her at his birthday and ended up talking with her for a while and during the meal.

I said she was nice after she left so He sent her my number...

---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 AM ----------

I'm always a wimp when it comes to women! I may flirt fairly shamelessly with many of my swing girls and such, but I never ever actually try anything lol

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I'd generally not recommend blurting out the whole hobby thing until you get to know eachother more. Often people who do not really manage hobbies like that have a poor idea of what those people are like. Lots of stereotypes and negative attitudes towards hobby gamers. :)

Just be yourself and be a fun and likable guy. Ask her out for a coffee sometime and get more chatty. :D

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Coffee is always good. Most coffee shops also offer vegan friendly coffee as well, so you can pretty much go there with any type of girl.

And just be natural. Talk about your work, schoolings and all that stuff. Family is always good too. Basically topics both of you have something to talk about, since it applies to both of you.

If she digs an hour or two at coffee, ask her out to dinner sometime. :)

---------- Post added at 07:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 AM ----------

Heh, thanks Bleach. In the meantime, choosing not to stress about it and just handle as much of life as I can.

...although I don't know what Mako's problem is. Coffee, man. Coffee. It's not bio-science.

I know how it is. I don't have it easy myself. I am overweight and have 'odd' and introverted hobbies. But you cannot get a 'yes' if you do not ask. :P

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