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Oh, very true. And it's less fiddly when you're doing details, they feel huge compared to 32mm stuff!

---------- Post added at 05:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 AM ----------

Ah, that sucks. The finances and the nothing to do bits, that is.

Awesome stuff on the giving the community a bit of a jump though!

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Later, Web! I'll be sure to have a sculpt update in my thread tomorrow to keep the challenge alive!

---------- Post added at 06:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 AM ----------

Not too bad, sleeping really bad still but no great shocks there.

Looking unlikely ill be able to get the harpy painted up for Sunday, at best I'll be able to get it cast up for Saturday lunchtime. Doubt I can paint a whole model in an afternoon!

You been up to much since last night?

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Um. Not really. Got a photo up of the WIP Ototo...got the bill on the cars... -_- But, thought of some stuff to try doing as a Henchman. Local community has been really slow to build, but I realized that I'm pretty well ideally placed for a networked community...going to try getting a bunch of decent terrain together (and what a project that'll be...) and start networking with Henchmen within a few hours of here.

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There's a photo of ototo up? I've missed that, I'll have to go looking!

That sounds like a pretty neat idea, having a series of interconnected henching cells that can support each others communities.

Wish we had a community at the local store. Is not very impressive really, just me and shine playing there every two weeks!

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That...sounds awesome. I dunno, might even be fun as a PC. How's it going, Shine?

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

Sounds like a plan to me! Having played at least something every week or so for a couple of months, I'm starting to remember the basic rules. If only I could remember all the model rules so I didn't get totally surprised every time I play!

Would be great. I'll have to plan something for the spring...try to get some real prizes for it and stir up some big interest. Also need to chat with Alf, Merbak and Brugly, they're the local(ish) henchmen I know.

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No kidding budgets are a pain. Oh well, you do math on travel, I'll do it on an event. Just need to think of a good prize that won't cost an arm and a leg...was thinking that doing something like Misaki, Yamaziko and Archers as first place might be good incentive t get people out for a good sized event.

And if you come down, I'm going to have to make a wooden spoon, just for you, Mako, lol. So, what'd you think of the purple on Ototo?

---------- Post added at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

Oh, and Mako, check out Gav's Gremlins, there's a shoutout there for you of sorts!

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Heh, if I come I'll bring a wooden spoon prize specially! Always wanted to have a prize spoon with a black joker Vik painted on it.

I've just been off looking at him, he's coming out stunning! The technique is working really well, and that colour is gorgeous!

---------- Post added at 06:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 AM ----------

Ooh, a shout out? Sweet.

Right, a baking session to do now, then the talons to finish and the wings to tweak here and there and she's done! And I'll definitely do photos before I go to bed tonight I think.

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