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Trying to counter people is kind of silly. Or at least focusing on this. I would always take in objectives first before looking for potential counters or nukes against my opponents.

That is why I tend to play as Seamus recently. I have a pool of over 150 SS to use with him and that just makes me flexible as heck.

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Speed paint my most anticipated Master crew? Nah. I would only speed paint something I do not really need. Yan Lo will have to wait until I get McMourning and his pawns done first, though. Wont take too long either.





3x Guild Autopsies,

2x Flesh Construct,

1 Rogue Necromancy.

I might even add in a Nicodem, Mortimer, 2x Vultures and the 9 MZs I still have to paint too. Finish up the European/Victorian models first and then focus entirely on my Yan Lo and Kirai crews. That way I keep the style similar and do not sway too greatly off of the path I choose.

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