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Fed up already. After a great start to the week with a couple of days off work it's all gone down hill. Torrential rain meant no archery last night and a flooded garden instead. So I was outside clearing debris from a ditch to make it drain better.

Bright side I guess is there's only a couple more days until the weekend.

How're you?

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Not bad. Nothing is really passing testing, lol. Stupid boards. Oh well. Almost got one of my readings completely done, it's been a good read so far. Got a little more progress done on the story section I was working on, debating putting up a 'short' section, and using that to interlude between the two hyper action focused scenes.

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The Relic Knights Kickstarter? If I liked the models more, I'd chip in, but sadly I don't. They aren't bad, but without any chance of playing them, I'll pass.

Decided to post up the scene that was done. Here's hoping I can get the next few scenes knocked out this week!

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Thanks. :) I realized while writing it that Arias is turning into an Honor Harrington, lol. Not a bad thing, helps a lot for finding inspiration for the character! He just seemed like the natural choice to give an overview of what's going on. Yay exposition!

How's work today?

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Never a bad thing being like HH. I still need to read the latest 2 or 3 of them but they had been going down hill due to power creep.

Work is busy again but not hectic which is nice. So I can either work a bit harder today and have tomorrow easier (hopefully), or I can try to spread it out over the days.

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Midst Toil and Tribulation is next month! (does a dance) Along with The Blinding Knife. And the new Ravenor/Eisenhorn book is...November? And the last of the Artemis Fowl books is out. That reminds me, I need to set aside some money and track that one down... >.>

---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 AM ----------

Oh, and Fire Season is October. Knew I forgot one.

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Eh, better than my position of waiting on...six or so authors to publish so I can read something, LOL. Lucky for me a bunch of them are putting stuff out in the next six months. Still waiting on the next Tamora Pierce book though...well, the next Tortall one. Never really got into the Circle books. Rumor had it the next set was going to be about Numair...

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Afternoon all! Another bad day for me so I'll be heading back to bed again in a bit, but I just gotta add that I am glad I've opted in to the Bones kickstarter (at Vampire level), all those lovely models. Very tempted to add a couple of extra options like the Zombie Dragon (huge model for $25!) and so on, but Dark Vengeance is out soon so I had best behave myself. Now here's hoping it makes the next goal so I get a free Griffon and Owlbear (though I may add 3 extra Griffons or something small to make in to statues for terrain sets, heh).

Hope everyone is well.

~Noticed the strange noises behind the tarps have finished and instead some paint covered Girls are sat in front of them having a smoke~

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Thanks Mako. it's a combo of not resting enough the last few weeks (seems sitting at the pc does not constitute as rest, lol) and not being able to settle well in bed. Still, it means I get to play KoA Reckoning some more and maybe get more gravestones painted (maybe some fences too!), or perhaps put a few walls together, I have enough modeling bricks for them, lol. Either way, if it includes my bed, it's rest and I can easily do any of that there since I do most of my painting in and around my bed, lol!

As for the Girls, I really do not want to know.

~Mech Doves flies over, drop and note in my lap and flies off again/ I nervously open the note~

It says here "We are proud to announce the unveiling of the threads newest and bestest feature of greatest awesomeness of all time tomorrow. be here or not, we don't really care, but it's gonna be so awesome you have to be here for it!!!! Signed, the Gothic Showgirls". Of course, I edited it on reading, I don't think the word "awesome" is spelled "OSSUMZ" :P

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Hi everyone....why if i am having lots of sleep am i so knackered?

Life is cruel..

And in terms of reading, I am still enjoying the Horus Heresy series (Got three to read so far, with another new one out in september!) and the latest shannara ones by Terry Brooks.. Hes not a great author and his latest when compared to the original novels are so lightweight..but I actually really enjoy them as a light read!

Its just finding the time to read them lol..I started Bearers of the Black Staff in January, still only half way through it lol!

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